1. | Glass Soots | A. | Flame impingement | Install log set per the instructions |
| on logs |
| Inspect the injector and air intake area. Make sure this area |
| does not have any blockage from debris and clean. |
| Check gas supply |
2. Poor draft due to | A. | Too much offset. | Reduce offset and/or raise termination. | |
| venting |
| B. | Too many elbows | Reduce number of elbows |
| |
| C. Vent height too short | Raise vent | |
| |
| D. Vent too close to | Raise vent | |
| roof line |
| E. | Blockage is | Remove blockage |
| restricting venting |
| capacity |
| F. | Incorrect vent type | Replace with proper |
| G. | Venting has been | Replace with proper size |
| constructed with too |
| large or too small |
| vent. |
| H. | More than one | Construct a single venting system for each appliance |
| appliance is using |
| one venting system. |
3. Poor draft due to | A. | Cap obstructed by a | Remove or open enclosure or raise cap above it. | |
| termination cap. |
| decorative enclosure. |
| B. | Cap is crushed, | Replace cap |
| damaged or missing. |
4. Poor draft due to | A. | Buildings, trees, roof | Maintain proper clearances and heights to external | |
| ext. environment. |
| lines interfering with | obstructions; Beware of overhangs. |
| venting. |
| B. | Wind | Use cap designed for high winds; raise venting height. |
| |
| C. Vent exposed to cold | Insulate chase. | |
| chase. |
| D. Vent exposed to cold | Enclose vent within home. | |
| weather. |
5. Poor draft due to | A. | Negative air pressure. | To test for negative air pressure, open a window in the room | |
| internal |
| with the fireplace to see if the unit starts drafting correctly. |
| environment. |
| Make sure the damper system is in the open position. |
6. | Unit shuts down | A. | Blockage or | Check for and remove blockage and light pilot following |
| prematurely. |
| restriction in venting. | lighting instructions. |
| |
| B. Damper system | Open damper system and light pilot following lighting | |
| closed. | instructions. |
| If damper system will not operate, call contractor. |