Figure 3: Wall & Ceiling Minimum Clearances
Wall and Ceiling Clearance Requirements:
Ensure that minimum clearances shown in Figure 3 are maintained. Left and right clearances are determined when facing the front of the appliance. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure safe installation. Failure to follow these requirements may create a fire hazard.
Sidewall Clearance: The clearance from the front edge of the appliance to any combustible wall should not be less than 4” on both the left and right side.
Ceiling Clearance: The ceiling must be at least 25” from the top of the front of the fireplace (66” from the bottom of the appliance). Refer to Figure 3.
Combustible Clearances:
The appliance is a zero clearance fireplace with ribs/spacers defining the minimum space to the sheet metal outer shell. Combustibles may be placed up against these spacers. Do NOT place combustibles (i.e., insulation, wood, etc.) closer than allowed by the spacers or a fire hazard may exist. The ribs/spacers for the sides and rear of the appliance are 1/4” and the top spacers are 3 1/8”. On the front top edge in front of the top framing spacers, a combustible wall (or drywall) may be brought up to the front top and side edges of the unit. Do not over lap the black painted face with combustible materials. Refer to Figure 4.