Pride Mobility Quantum 500 N T R O D U C T I O N, PURCHASER’S Agreement, Information Exchange

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I . I N T R O D U C T I O N


WELCOME to Quantum Rehab, a division of Pride Mobility Products Corporation (Pride). The power chair you have purchased combines state-of-the-art components with safety, comfort, and styling in mind. We are confident that these design features will provide you with the conveniences you expect during your daily activities. Once you understand how to safely operate and care for your power chair, it should give you years of trouble free operation and service.

Read and follow all instructions, warnings, and notes in this manual before attempting to operate your power chair for the first time. In addition, your safety depends upon you, as well as your provider, caretaker, or healthcare professional in using good judgement.

If there is any information in this manual which you do not understand, or if you require additional assistance for setup or operation, please contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist. Failure to follow the instructions in this manual and those located on your power chair can lead to personal injury and/or damage to the power chair, including voiding the warranty.


By accepting delivery of this product, you promise that you will not change, alter, or modify this product or remove or render inoperable or unsafe any guards, shields, or other safety features of this product; fail, refuse, or neglect to install any retrofit kits from time to time provided by Pride to enhance or preserve the safe use of this product.


We want to hear your questions, comments, and suggestions about this manual. We would also like to hear about the safety and reliability of your new power chair, and about the service you received from your Quantum Rehab Specialist.

Please notify us of any change of address, so we can keep you apprised of important information about safety, new products, and new options that can increase your ability to use and enjoy your power chair. Please feel free to contact us at the address below:

Pride Mobility Products Corporation

Attn: Customer Care Department

182SusquehannaAvenue Exeter, PA 18643-2694



Quantum 500

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Contents Page F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S PURCHASER’S Agreement N T R O D U C T I O NInformation Exchange Pride Owners Club My Quantum Rehab SpecialistProduct Safety Symbols S a F E T YS a F E T Y Pre-Ride Safety Check ModificationsTire Inflation Weight LimitationsIncline Information Cornering Information Braking InformationPublic Streets and Roadways Freewheel Mode Outdoor Driving SurfacesStationary Obstacles Steps, Curbs, etc Stairs and EscalatorsTransfers DoorsElevators Lift/Elevation ProductsInclement Weather Precautions Motor Vehicle TransportPositioning Belts Reaching and BendingAlcohol Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference EMI/RFII . Y O U R P O W E R C H a I R QuantumQuantum 500 Specifications Quantum 500 Power Base Electrical ComponentsQuantum 500 Electrical Components Manual Freewheel Levers To engage or disengage the drive motorsInitial Assembly A S S E M B L YTo install the seat Seat InstallationController Installation O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S Seat Height and Seat Angle AdjustmentTo change the seat height Seatback Angle Adjustment To adjust the seatback angleTo adjust the recline angle Seat PositionArmrest Width Adjustment Armrest Angle Adjustment To change the armrest angleFoot Platform Depth To adjust the foot platform depth To change the armrest widthTo adjust the foot platform angle To clamp the quick release fastenerFoot Platform Angle Controller PositionTo adjust the SFR length To adjust the ELR angleTo adjust the ELR length To adjust the forward/back positionTo adjust the leg rest length Multi-Axis Foot PlateTo change leg rest length a To change foot plate position BTochargethebatteriesusingtheoff-boardcharger Battery Break-inB a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N G Batteries and ChargingFrequently Asked Questions FAQs Howdoesthechargerwork? Can I use a different battery charger?How often must I charge the batteries? Daily UseWhy do my new batteries seem weak? How can I ensure maximum battery life?How should I store my power chair and its batteries? What about public transportation?I . O P E R a T I O N VSI Electronic ControllerVSI consists JoystickBattery Condition Meter KeypadOn/Off Key Red, yellow, and green lights lit Batteries chargedMotor Connectors Controller ConnectorBattery Connector Power Seat Actuator ConnectorVSI Error Codes Thermal RollbackCare and Maintenance Should your power chair come in contact with waterTemperature I I . C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C EDaily Checks Weekly ChecksTo check the brakes Monthly ChecksYearly Checks Cleaning Instructions Tire/Wheel ReplacementStorage Battery Replacement To replace the batteriesBattery Installation When to See Your Quantum Rehab Specialist for Service Corrective MaintenanceW a R R a N T Y Reconditioned Units Warranty Warranty ExclusionsService Checks and Warranty Service Exclusions also include components with damage caused byQuality Control Quantum Inspector