When connecting the battery cables to the battery(ies), the battery cable(s) MUST be connected to the battery terminal(s)/post(s) as shown in Detail “A” or Detail “B” of FIGURE 12.6 (depending on battery type), otherwise damage to the battery cable may result when installing battery terminal caps.
2.Connect battery cable(s) to battery(ies) terminal(s)/post(s) as shown in Detail “A” or Detail “B” of FIGURE 12.6, depending on battery type:
A.NEGATIVE (‐) BLACK battery cable to NEGATIVE (‐) battery terminal/post.
B.POSITIVE (+) RED battery cable to POSITIVE (+) battery terminal/post.
3.Secure the battery cable(s)/ring terminal(s) to the battery terminal(s)/post(s), BLACK to NEGATIVE (‐) and RED to POSITIVE (+), with the provided 1/4‐20 x 7/8‐inch hex flange screw and hex flange locknut as shown in Detail “A” or Detail “B” of FIGURE 12.6, depending on battery type. Securely tighten.
4.Verify all battery cable(s)/ring terminal(s) are correctly installed and securely tightened.
5.Slide terminal cap(s) down battery cable(s) and onto battery clamps (FIGURE 12.6).
6.Using the 11½‐inch long tie‐wrap, secure each terminal cap in place (Detail ʺCʺ of FIGURE 12.6).
NOTE: It will be necessary to trim excess tie‐wrap in order to install the battery box top(s).
7.Install the battery box top(s).
8.Install the battery box(es) into the wheelchair. Refer to Installing/Removing the Battery Boxes on page 51.
NOTE: New battery(ies) MUST be fully charged BEFORE using, otherwise the life of the battery(ies) will be reduced.
9. If necessary, charge the battery(ies). Refer to Charging Batteries on page 63.
Part No.1106645 | 56 | Nutron® Series |