Configuring and Running Ramp and Soak Recipes
9.3.3 Resuming Recipe Execution
To resume execution of a ÒheldÓ recipe:
1.While logged in as MULTI (or another user with View/Change Parameter privileges), select Ramp/Soak Resume. The Recipe Control window will open.
2.The window lists all the recipes being run under the direction of
A recipe may appear on the list in the left pane more than once. This means that you started to run the recipe on different controllers (or sets of controllers) at different times. Each of these occurrences of a recipe on the list is referred to as an ÒinstanceÓ of the recipe.
To see on which controllers you have held an instance of a recipe, click on the name
of the recipe. The controllers on hold for the selected instance of the recipe will be listed in the right pane.15 Execution of the selected recipe instance may have been held on the controllers in this group at different times.
3.Select the instance of the recipe to be resumed.
4.Select one or more controllers to be resumed. (You can hold down the Shift key to select multiple controllers that are together on the list, or hold down the Control key to select multiple controllers that are scattered on the list.)
5.Click on Resume. Execution of the selected instance of the recipe will resume on the selected controllers at the point in the recipe where it was held for each controller. Execution of the recipe can resume at different steps in the recipe in different controllers. (Although you started to run the recipe instance in all the controllers at the same time, you may have held execution at different times.) On the
15If the