Braun HC 20, HC 50 Clipping or trimming without distance comb, Clipping with the barber’s comb

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Clipping or trimming without distance comb

Remove the distance comb (only possible at setting «1»). To start clipping, shift the on/off switch to «on».

Move the cutting system only in a parallel position to the skin (A, cutting hair). Slowly and carefully move the appliance against the direction of hair growth. Only when trimming contours should the cutting system be positioned vertically (B, trimming).

Make sure you do not tilt the appliance while it is touching the skin (C). Avoid jerky movements while cutting.

Clipping with the barber’s comb

To cut longer hair, hold it up with the barber’s comb (10) and cut it with the scissors (11) or with the clipper (distance comb must be removed from the clipper – only possible at setting «1»).

Keeping your clipper in top shape

After each use and when the distance comb is taken off, slightly shake or brush hair from the clipper and the distance comb. Press the release button (3) to open the cutting system (2). Using the brush (13), clean the cutting system and the inside of the clipper.

To keep the cutting system working properly, oil it with light machine oil after each use (D).

Then click the cutting system back to its original position.

After use, unplug the cord from the appliance for longer cord life.

Preserving the rechargeable battery (HC 50 only)

In order to optimise the capacity and life of the battery, it should be fully discharged through regular use every 6 months approximately. Then recharge to full capacity again. Do not keep the clipper on permanent charge. Do not expose the clipper to temperatures of more than 50°C for longer periods of time.


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Contents HairPerfect 810 309 0800 783 70800 509 800 14 Oil Technical specifications EnglishDescription Charging the clipper HC 50 only GeneralNormal clipping Clipping with the barber’s comb Preserving the rechargeable battery HC 50 onlyClipping or trimming without distance comb Keeping your clipper in top shapeEnvironmental notice HC 50 only Français PrécautionsSpécifications techniques Comment recharger la tondeuse HC 50 seulement Informations généralesUtilisation normale de la tondeuse Couper ou tondre sans le peigne-guide Utilisation de la tondeuse avec le peigne de coiffeurEntretien optimal de votre tondeuse Respect de l’environnement HC 50 seulement Entretien de la batterie rechargeable HC 50 seulementOstrze˝enie PolskiOpis Dane techniczne¸adowanie przystrzygarki tylko model HC Informacje ogólneStrzy˝enie normalne Przystrzyganie i przycinanie bez grzebienia Strzy˝enie z grzebieniem fryzjerskimKonserwacja przystrzygarki Warunki ochrony Êrodowiska tylko model HC ¸adowanie baterii tylko model HCUpozornûní Âesk˘Popis Technické údajeNabíjení stfiihacího strojku pouze HC ObecnûNormální stfiíhání Stfiíhání nebo zastfiihování bez distanãního hfiebenu Stfiíhání pomocí kadefinického hfiebenuUdrÏení stfiihacího strojku ve ‰piãkové formû Poznámka k Ïivotnímu prostfiedí pouze HC Péãe o akumulátorovou baterii pouze HCSlovensk˘ UpozornenieNabíjanie strojãeka na strihanie iba HC ‰eobecneNormálne strihanie Strihanie alebo zastrihovanie bez distanãného hrebeÀa Strihanie pomocou kaderníckeho hrebeÀaUdrÏiavanie strojãeka na strihanie v ‰piãkovej forme Poznámka k Ïivotnému prostrediu iba HC StarostlivosÈ o akumulátorovú batériu iba HCUpozorenje HrvatskiOpis Tehniãki podaciPunjenje podrezivaãa samo HC OpçenitoUobiãajeno podrezivanje OdrÏavanje podrezivaãa u top formi ·i‰anje ili kori‰tenje trimera bez skidivog ãe‰ljaPodrezivanje s brijaçim ãe‰ljem Njega baterije samo HCZa‰tita okoli‰a samo HC Figyelem MagyarLeírás Mıszaki jellemzŒkHajvágó feltöltése csak a HC 50 modell Általános tudnivalókNormál hajvágás Hajvágás távtartófésı nélkül Hajvágás a borbélyfésıvelHajnyíró karbantartása Környezetvédelmi megjegyzés Csak a HC 50 készüléknélÖnemli TürkçeTanımlamalar Teknik özelliklerSaç kesme makinasının µarj edilmesi sadece HC 50 modelinde GenelNormal saç kesme Uzatma taraπ∂n∂ kullanmadan saç kesme ve düzeltme Berber taraπını kullanarak saç kesmeSaç kesme makinasının maksimum performansını korumak için Önemli çevre notu sadece HC 50 modelinde Atenøie RomânåDescriere Specificaøii tehniceÎncårcarea bateriei aparatului numai modelul HC GeneralitåøiFolosirea pieptenului de frizerie Tåiere normalåTåiere fårå pieptenele distanøier Întreøinerea aparatuluiNotå referitoare la mediu Valabil numai pentru modelul HC Menøinerea bateriei reîncårcabile numai modelul HC‡fl‰Í‡ χ¯ËÌÍË ‰Îfl ÒÚËÊÍË ‚ÓÎÓÒ ÚÓθÍÓ ‰Îfl çë ÊÛÒÒÍËÈÉÔËÒ‡ÌË ÍÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍË ÒÔˆËÙË͇ˆËË·˘Ë ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËfl ·˚˜Ì‡fl ÒÚËÊ͇ËÚËÊ͇ Ò ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂÏ Ô‡ËÍχıÂÒÍÓÈ ‡Ò˜ÂÒÍË ÈÓ‰‰ÂʇÌË χ¯ËÌÍË ‰Îfl ÒÚËÊÍË ‚ÓÎÓÒ ‚ ‡·Ó˜ÂÏ ÒÓÒÚÓflÌËËÔóîóêâìëë ‡ÒÚÂÂÊÂÌÌfl ÌÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ÉÔËÒ ÍÂıÌ¥˜Ì¥ ‰‡Ì¥‡„‡Î¸Ì¥ ‚͇Á¥‚ÍË ¥‰ÊË‚ÎÂÌÌfl χ¯ËÌÍË ‰Îfl ÒÚËÊÍË Î˯ ‰Îfl ÏÓ‰ÂÎ¥ çëËÚËÊ͇ ¥Á Á‡ÒÚÓÒÛ‚‡ÌÌflÏ ÔÂÛ͇Ò¸ÍÓ„Ó „·¥Ìˆfl Ëڇ̉‡Ú̇ ÒÚËÊ͇ËÚËÊ͇ ·ÂÁ ÓÁ’π‰ÌÛ˛˜Ó„Ó „·ÂÌfl ÑÓ„Îfl‰ Á‡ LJ¯Ó˛ χ¯ËÌÍÓ˛ ‰Îfl ÒÚËÊ͡ÒÚÂÂÊÂÌÌfl ÔÓ ÓıÓÓÌÛ ‰Ó‚Í¥ÎÎfl Î˯ ‰Îfl ÏÓ‰ÂÎ¥ çë ÑÓ„Îfl‰ Á‡ ‡ÍÛÏÛÎflÚÓÓÏ Î˯ ‰Îfl ÏÓ‰ÂÎ¥ ç뇄‡Î¸Ì¥ ÛÏÓ‚Ë Á·Â¥„‡ÌÌfl Page Page Page Page Page Page Page English Page Âesk˘ Hrvatski Romania ËÎÛ˜‡Ë, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ „‡‡ÌÚËfl Ì ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌflÂÚÒfl ÌÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ ‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ- χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏË