Braun RA300 Series Transit Ramps (to be referred to as RA300 throughout this manual) DUHGHVLJQHGIRUXVHLQORZÁRRU transit vehicles. The RA300 provides vehicle access to people with disabilities (wheelchair pas- sengers or standees using other type mobility aids). The commer- cial oriented ramp is ADA compli- ant (dependant upon installation height). See the Installation sec- WLRQIRU$'$VSHFLÀFDWLRQV
The RA300 features a 32” wide ramp in a 34” wide package. A ´ÁRRUSRFNHWµEXLOWLQWRWKHFKDV- VLVÁRRUV\VWHPDOORZVIRUVLPSOH installation (dimensional require-
7KH5$LVVSHFLÀFDOO\GH- signed to be operated by an attendant. The ramp installer provides an appropriate control switch for the end user. Con- squently, the operating instruc- tions contained in this manual are generic due to the limitless variables.
The RA300 provides fully auto- matic operation of ramp functions. The electric/hydraulic system is controlled by two relays which ac- tivate the hydraulic pump in oppo- site directions for deploy and stow functions (powering a
All RA300 ramp models feature gravity down "drift" during the deploy cycle. When deploying the ramp, the motor stops running when the ramp reaches an ap- proximate 45° angle. The ramp continues to slowly lower the remaining distance by the force of gravity.
5DPSPRGHOQXPEHUVZLWKVXIÀ[ "Y" are hydraulic fold with gravity down "drift" feature when deploy- ing and stowing. When stowing the ramp and it folds inward be- yond the 15° shut off point, gravity lowers the ramp to the pan.
Ramp model numbers with suf- À[<3DUHK\GUDXOLFSRZHUHG throughout the stow cycle (to full stow). The hydraulic system re- mains pressurized while the ramp is in the stowed position.
The pressure relief valves built into the pump prohibit the ramp from lifting (raising) with approxi- mately 20 pounds or more on the ramp.
Instructions are provided for manual operation of the ramp in event of power or equipment failure. See Manual Override on the following page for further details.
Read and become familiar with all operation safety precautions,
Terminology: Become familiar with the terminology that will be used throughout this manual.
Become familiar with the iden- WLÀFDWLRQRI5$FRPSRQHQWV and their functions. Contact your sales representative or call The Braun Corporation at
Direction: The terms “left”, “right”, “in” and “out” will be used throughout this manual to indicate direction (as viewed from the out- side of the vehicle looking directly at the ramp). Refer to the Termi-
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