Braun NL Millennium Series lifts are ADA compliant and comply fully with National +LJKZD\7UDIÀF6DIHW\$GPLQLV- WUDWLRQ1+76$VSHFLÀFDWLRQV The NL is commercial oriented (intended for operation by an attendant).
Lift models vary per size (lift model numbers indicate lift dimensions). NL Series lift models can be equipped with left or right side pump modules as needed. A left side pump- equipped lift model is depicted in the Lift Terminology Illustra- tion (NL917IB). Right side pump lift models are a mirrored image of rear pump models
Lift Terminology
(pump module located on op- posite end of base plate).
Refer to the Lift Terminology
Lift operation procedures are identical for all NL Series lift models. The operating instructions contained in this manual and appearing on lift- posted operating instructions decals address the lift control switches and the correspond- ing lift functions. Instruc- tions are provided for manual operation of the lift in event of power or equipment failure.
Terminology: Become famil- iar with the terminology that will be used throughout this man- ual. Become familiar with the
LGHQWLÀFDWLRQRIOLIWFRPSRQHQWV and their functions. Contact your lift sales representative or call The Braun Corporation at
Direction: The terms "left," "right," "inboard," and "out- board" will be used throughout this manual to indicate direc- tion (as viewed from outside the vehicle looking directly at the lift). Refer to the Lift Termi-
QRORJ\,OOXVWUDWLRQVIRUFODULÀFD- tion of direction terms.
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