Before You Begin:
1.Have all the materials you will need ready before you begin testing. This includes your CONTOUR TS Meter, the CONTOUR TS Test Strips, and the Ascensia® MICROLET® Lancing Device with Ascensia MICROLET Lancets. You may also need CONTOUR TS Control Solution to run a quality control check.
2.Read your user guide and all instructional materials provided in your meter kit before testing.
3.Let the meter and test strips adjust to the temperature of the location where you are testing. Whenever the meter is moved from one location to another, allow 20 minutes for the meter to adjust to the temperature of that new location before performing a blood glucose test. The products have been de- signed to give accurate results at temperatures between 41°F and 113°F.
4.It is important not to use the test strips or control solution if the expiration date printed on the bottle label and carton has passed or if it has been six months (180 days) since you first opened the bottle. It will help to write the six month discard date on the label in the area provided when you first open the test strips or control solution.
5.Wash your hands thoroughly with warm soapy water and dry them well.
Potential Biohazard
Healthcare professionals or persons using this system on multiple patients should follow the infection control proce- dure approved by their facility. All products or objects which come in contact with human blood, even after cleaning, should be handled as if capable of transmitting viral diseases.2
Before You Begin Important