Testing with a Control Solution:
Use CONTOUR TS Control Solutions to practice using the system or to run a qual- ity control test to make sure the meter and the test strips are working properly. Low, Normal and High Control So- lutions are available. Always use CONTOUR TS Control Solu-
tions, as other brands could present incorrect results.
Remove a test strip from the bottle and firmly snap the lid closed.
NOTE: Check the expiration date and discard date of the con- trol solution and test strips. Make sure the test strip does not appear torn or damaged.
Hold the test strip with the gray end facing up.
Insert the gray end into the orange test strip port on the meter.
The meter will turn on. A test strip with a flashing blood drop will appear letting you know the meter is ready to test. Do not apply control solution to the test strip until the blood drop symbol flashes.
Testing with a Control Solution Testing