The other orientation for the probe is with a 90 degree bend to either it’s front (AMB) or back side. There are right angle brackets provided to keep the probe in this position along with the associated nylon hardware. It is our recommendation that the interposed FBDIMM be placed in the probe before the probe is bent over. This provides additional stiffness at the FBDIMM straddle mount connector on the top of the probe.
The right angle brackets bend the probe in a “high” position which would allow a user to place a second FS2343 Interposer in the slot next to it bent at a “lower” angle that would allow the second probe to nest underneath the first probe bent and secured by the brackets in the “high” position.
Be very careful when nesting 2 Interposer probes. Make sure there is good ventilation for all the AMB chips and that the cables are not kinked or resting on any sharp or hot objects.
External Power supply
The FS2343 Interposer probe requires the use an external DC power supply. This unit is provided as part of the product and is required for the probe to operate. It is connected to the probe with a mini plug. Do not use any other DC supply with the probe.