Analog Devices ADSP-21369 system manual Codec Setup Switch SW3, Core Clock Rate Configuration

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Switch Settings

Table 2-4. Core Clock Rate Configuration

CLKCFG1 (Position 3)

CLKCFG0 (Position 4)

Core to CLKIN Ratio




























1 Bold typeface denotes the default ratio.

The core clock frequency can be increased or decreased via software by writing to the PMCTL register. For more information on changing core clock frequency and other setup information, refer to the ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Hardware Reference for ADSP-21367/8/9 Processors.

Codec Setup Switch (SW3)

The codec setup switch (SW3) can be used to change the routing of some of the signals going to the AD1835A codec and to setup the communication protocol of the codec.

Positions 1 and 2 determine the clock routing for the audio oscillator to the codec and to the processor. Figure 2-5illustrates how the switch positions 1 and 2 connect on the board. In the default position, route the DAI_P17 pin to DAI_P6 (in software) to clock the AD1835A.

Position 3 of the SW3 switch determines if the AD1835A device is a master or is a slave. If the AD1835A is a master, the device’s serial interface gen- erates the frame sync and clock signals necessary to transfer data. When the device is a slave, the processor must generate the frame sync and clock signals. By default, position 3 is ON, and the AD1835A generates the con- trol signals.


ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual

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Contents ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual Limited Warranty Trademark and Service Mark NoticeCopyright Information DisclaimerRegulatory Compliance Page Contents Using EZ-KIT Lite ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual Vii Bill of Materials Schematics Index Preface Page Preface Page Manual Contents Purpose of This ManualIntended Audience What’s New in This Manual Technical or Customer SupportWhat’s New in This Manual Supported Processors Product Processor Product InformationProduct Information Related Documents Title DescriptionOnline Technical Documentation Each documentation file type is described as followsAccessing Documentation From VisualDSP++ Accessing Documentation From WindowsAccessing Documentation From Web Printed Manuals VisualDSP++ Documentation SetHardware Tools Manuals Processor ManualsPreface Data Sheets Notation Conventions Notation ConventionsPreface Xxiv ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual Using EZ-KIT Lite Package Contents Default Configuration Using EZ-KIT LiteInstallation and Session Startup Installation and Session StartupUsing EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation License Restrictions Evaluation License RestrictionsStart Address End Address Content External MemoryElvis Interface Elvis InterfaceAnalog Audio LEDs and Push Buttons LEDs and Push ButtonsPB1 SW8 FLAG1/~IRQ1 PB2 Example Programs Background Telemetry ChannelExample Programs Sors/resources/crosscore/emulators/index.html. For more Background Telemetry Channel EZ-KIT Lite Hardware Reference System Architecture System ArchitectureExternal Port EZ-KIT Lite Hardware ReferenceDAI Interface DPI Interface ADSP-21369Flag Pins External PLL Expansion InterfaceSwitch Settings Boot Mode and Clock Ratio Select Switch SW2Switch Settings Jtag Emulation PortOFF Codec Setup Switch SW3 Core Clock Rate ConfigurationElectret Microphone Select Switch SW4 Uart Enable Switch SW5Loop-Back Test Switches SW6 and SW14 Push Button Enable Switch SW7Elvis Oscilloscope Configuration Switch SW1 Elvis Function Generator Configuration Switch SW13Power LED LED9 General Purpose LEDs LED1-8Reset LEDs LED10 and LED12 LED and Push Button LocationsUSB Monitor LED LED11 Push Buttons SW8-11Board Reset Push Button SW12 JumpersVCO Select Jumper JP1 Jumpers Jumper Locations 10. VCO Select Jumper JP1Elvis Select Jumper JP2 Elvis Voltage Selection Jumper JP3Connectors Expansion Interface Connectors J1-J3Connectors Elvis Programmable Flag Jumper JP4Connector Locations Audio In RCA Connector P10 Audio Out RCA Connector J5Power Jack J4 Headphone Out Jack P7RS-232 Connector P1 Spdif Coax Connectors P8 and P9USB Connector P5 DPI Header P3DAI Header P4 Jtag Header P2 Connectors Bill of Materials Description Reference Designator Manufacturer Part Number Bill Of Materials VR5 ADI Switchcraft PJRAN1X1U01 BLK SPST-MOMENTARY SWT013 2A S2ARECT DO-214AA Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ472X DIGI-KEY P1.5KCFCT-ND Yageo ERJ-3RSFR10V Panasonic ECJ-1VC1H101J RED-SMT LED001 LED10,LED12 Panasonic ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT Lite Evaluation System Manual ADSP-21369 EZ-KIT Lite Schematic Devices DSP Memory Analog Audio Audio OUT DAC3 Left Audio in & Headphone OUT Analog DSP IO Current PUSHBUTTONS, LEDS, & Reset Expansion Interface Power Index Index Jtag SPI