Braun NUVL855R service manual Adjustments and Calibration, $GMXVWPHQW3URFHGXUHV

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Adjustments and Calibration


/LIW2XW6ZLWFK The Lift Out Switch stops inward travel of the carriage/platform during Stow function (activated by the housing-mounted Lift Out Cam). Move cam in to increase inward travel. Move cam out to decrease inward travel. LED D25 will be il- luminated when the switch is not contacting the cam.

)XOO2XW6ZLWFK7KH)XOO2XW6ZLWFKVWRSVRXW- ward travel of the carriage/platform during Deploy (Up/Down) functions (activated by the housing- PRXQWHG)XOO2XW&DP 0RYHFDPLQWRGHFUHDVH outward travel. Move cam out to increase outward travel. Carriage rollers must be inside housing a minimum 1/2". The platform will not raise or lower until this switch is activated. LED D26 will be illumi- nated when the switch is contacting the cam.

)ORRU/HYHO6ZLWFK LED D28 will be illuminated when the switch is contacting the cam. Detailed on page 6.

%HORZ6WRZ6ZLWFK The Below Stow Switch controls the height of the carriage/platform before it moves inward during the Stow function (activated by the torque tube-mounted Below Stow Cam). Rotate the cam in to decrease platform height. Rotate the cam out to increase platform height. Adjust cam so OLIWLQJDUPVDUHDOLJQHG9LHZWKHSODWIRUPSRVLWLRQ in the housing. LED D24 will be illuminated at stow level and below.

%DUULHU'RZQ6ZLWFK This platform-mounted switch prohibits the platform from raising unless the outer barrier is in the full up position. The Up function is prohibited if the outer barrier detent pin is not fully engaged also. LED D29 will be illuminated when the switch is not contacting the outer barrier detent pin.


In event the drive chain sags 1/2" or more, adjust tension as detailed. Tighten to eliminate visible sag but do not overtighten.

1.Remove bottom pan.

2.Pull the manual release cable and lock.

3.Remove adjustment bolt (tensioner) access cover.

4.Loosen inside jam nut. Secure tensioner and tighten outside jam nut. Tighten to eliminate vis- ible chain sag but do not overtighten.

5.Lock jam nuts together making sure the ten- sioner roller is horizontal. Release and push the manual cable in fully. Ensure platform is locked by moving the platform in and out until chain release assembly engages chain.



1.There must be no weight on platform.

2.Press hand held pendant UP switch to raise plat- form a minimum 3" above stow level.

3.Remove pump cover and press and hold control board mounted CAL. 50 lb. button. While pressing the CAL. 50 lb. button, press and hold the hand- held pendant STOW switch (button). The platform will lower to stow level (begin stow function), and then start to raise. Release CAL. 50 lb. button immediately when platform starts to raise from stow level.

4.LED D18 will be illuminated when weight on plat- form prevents stowing.

Ground Sense Calibration

1.Press hand-held pendant DOWN switch to lower platform fully to ground level.

2.While continuing to press the pendant DOWN switch, press and then release control board mounted CALIB. GND SEN/OB button.

3.Release the pendant DOWN switch.

4.LED D23 will be illuminated when platform is at ground level.


1.Press hand-held pendant DOWN switch to lower platform fully to ground level.

2.Once outer barrier is fully unfolded (ramp posi- tion), release the pendant DOWN switch.

3.Press and hold the control board mounted CALIB. GND SEN/OB button. While holding CALIB. GND SEN/OB button, press hand-held pendant UP switch to raise the outer barrier. Be sure to release CALIB. GND SEN/OB button when outer barrier reaches approximately half full up (verti- cal) position.

Carriage Ride Height Adjustment

The carriage horizontal arms move (roll) in and out RIWKHKRXVLQJWUDFNVRQUROOHUEHDULQJV)ROORZ- ing installation or extensive lift operation, clearance between horizontal arms and tracks may diminish. The eccentric shaft mounting plate allows height adjustment.

Remove eccentric plate mounting screw. Using screwdriver or small rod, rotate the shaft clockwise to increase carriage height. Rotate the shaft coun- terclockwise to decrease carriage height. Reinstall mounting screw in nearest retainer hole. Adjust left and right side eccentric shafts (screw positions may vary from side to side). Adjust height such that hori- zontal arms do not contact top or bottom of tracks (align center).

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Contents Series Congratulations Warranty and Registration InstructionsContents Lift Terminology Lift HousingSwitch and Sensor Locations EHORZÁRRUOHYHO Certification Checklist Diagnostic Procedures$GMXVWPHQW3URFHGXUHV Adjustments and CalibrationTerminal Strip and Door Operators Floor Level and Inner Roll Stop AdjustmentsInner Roll Stop Adjustment UROOVWRSUHVWVRQWKHÁRRU QRWDG- just the in- ner roll stop Inner Roll Stop Occupied Sensor Adjustment Lubrication Diagram When servicing the lift at the recommended intervals Maintenance and Lubrication Schedule1500 4500 Cycles Function Possible Cause Remedy Troubleshooting Diagnosis ChartLift will GO UP with Switches Contact Removal Board Wiring SchematicQty Description Hydraulic Parts ListHydraulic Diagram Qty Description Pump Module Parts ListPump Module Diagram Complete Lift Exploded View Unfold ModuleforQty Description Repair Parts ListLift Housing Detail Exploded View Lift Carriage Detail Exploded View Lift Platform Detail Exploded View Providing Access to the World CJKA-**G