Changing message speed
2 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
You can change the speed of a message while playing it. For example, if your caller spoke very fast, you can slow down the message.
To play a message slower or faster
While you are playing a message, press 2 1 to slow it down, or press 2 3 to speed it up. You can increase the speed three times above normal, and decrease it two times below normal.
Changing message volume
2 | 4 | 2 | 6 |
You can change the volume of a message while playing it. For example, if you are playing your messages in a noisy environment, you can increase the volume to hear better. While you are logged in to CallPilot, all your messages play at the volume you set unless you change the setting. The next time you log in, message volume will be normal.
To play a message softer or louder
While you are playing a message, press 2 4 to play it softer, or press 2 6 to play it louder. You can increase the volume three times above normal, and decrease it two times below normal.
Deleting and restoring messages
7 6
You can delete and restore (undelete) messages before, during, or after playing the message. Deleted messages are removed from your mailbox at the end of your CallPilot session. You cannot restore a message after you disconnect.
To delete a message
While at a message, press 7 6 to delete it and move to the next message.
To restore a message
Before disconnecting, return to the deleted message and press 7 6 to restore it.
Message storage
Your played messages are automatically deleted on a schedule set by your administrator. You can review