Registration and Configuration
MCD Programming Required
Refer to the MCD System Administration Tool Online Help for detailed instructions on how to program the Mitel 5505 Guest IP Phone on the MCD system.
Follow the steps below:
1.Program DHCP data in the DHCP Options form, see “DHCP Options Form” on page 17.
2.Program the 5505 Device data in the User and Device form, see “User and Device Con- figuration Form” on page 18
3.Program other 5505 data in other MCD ESM forms, see “Other MCD ESM Forms” on page 18.
DHCP Options Form
The following data should be programmed:
•SIP Proxy and Registrar Server: Option 125
-If resiliency is required, also configure DHCP Option 120 with the FQDN of your SIP Proxy and Registrar Server.
-To configure DHCP Option 120 on the MCD DHCP server:
-In the "format" drop down select "ASCII String"
-In the "value" text box enter the FQDN
•TFTP Server: Option 125
•Voice Mail Server Address (MWI Subscribe): Option 125 call_srv
•DSCP: Option 125
•VLANID: Option 125
•VLAN priority: Option 125
•DNS Server: Option 6