© Siemens AG 2011
Intelligent maintenance in process engineering
Despite the different tasks of operators and maintenance staff, it is meaningful and necessary to map the informati- on of both staff groups within one process control system and not to use different systems.
There are various reasons for this:
•Uniform visualization for all components and devices.
•No limitation to selection of field devices.
•The same information sources (field devices) are relevant to both automation and maintenance.
•There is a close link between automation and asset ma- nagement functions because, for example, the current control strategy of the plant plays an important role for the assessment of a component status.
•Engineering data for automation can also be used for main- tenance.
•Simplified handling of the system, since users need only be acquainted with the engineering, operator control and mo- nitoring tools of a single system.
The process control special interest group of the pharmaceuti- cals industry (NAMUR) has formulated essential requirements (NE 91) from the user's viewpoint. This attaches special signi- ficance to the integration of the Plant Asset Management into the process control system.
•Plant Asset Management is a part of the process control system
•Recording and assessing the status of the assets
•Inclusion of all assets (process control devices and plant components)
•Separation of
•Uniform visualization for all assets
•No limitation to selection of field devices
In addition, there is a requirement (NE 107) that all field de- vices must provide standardized status messages about their status as follows:
No known restriction of function
Operation outside the specified range
•Device failure
Need for maintenance
•Maintenance required
Function check (process value manipulated)
•Function check, local operation Failure (process value invalid)
Processing plants, whose open and closed loop control is per- formed with SIMATIC PCS 7 and components of Totally Integ- rated Automation, satisfy the user requirements formulated by NAMUR.
The resulting information is divided up to prevent the plant operators and maintenance staff from being flooded with in- formation. To achieve this, a Maintenance Station (MS) is int- roduced in addition to the operator station (OS). Mainte-
Plant Asset Management with SIMATIC PCS 7
■Process engineering plants with SIMATIC PCS 7 and com- ponents of Totally Integrated Automation meet the re- quirements of NAMUR.
■Automation and Plant Asset Management run on the same system.
■The information for plant operators maintenance staff is divided between the operator station and the Mainte- nance Station.
■Shared configuration and uniform user interfaces mini- mize the expense of an effective Plant Asset Manage- ment.