Single Charger
Handset Accessories
| 1 | 2ABC | 3DEF | |
| |||
| 4GHI | 5JKL |
| 6MNO |
| ||
| 7PQRS | 8TUV | 9WXYZ | |
| |||
<* | 0 |
| # > |
The Single Charger is designed to allow the handset to remain operational through speakerphone or headset use while the handset's Battery Pack is being charged. The handset may also be charged while it is in standby mode or turned off.
Place the handset in the Single Charger facing forward. While the handset is charging in standby mode, it will display its extension number and Charging…. An animated charge icon will indicate that charging is in progress. The handset is fully operational and will ring if called. When the handset is charging while turned off, only Charging… will display and no calls will be received. The dots will be racing during the charging cycle.
When the handset is fully charged, Charge Complete will display. No charging information will display during an active call.