This cordless phone can store 10 telephone numbers with names, each up to 16 digits long in memory locations you assign
Note: Press Oat any time to exit memory dial mode.
This cordless phone can store an additional 40 telephone numbers with names alphabetically in the directory. See TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for instructions.
Store a Number/Name in Memory
1Press G. Then press >until the screen displays MEM DIAL.
2Press M. The screen displays ENTER
3Press the key
Note: If the location is not empty, the current entry is displayed along with the choices DIAL EDIT ERASE. Press Oto exit memory dial mode and start again, or follow the instructions to dial, edit or erase the current entry.
4Using the chart below, enter up to 15 characters for the name you’re storing with the number. Use <to backspace and make corrections; use >to advance and add a space.
| Presses |
Dial Key | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | 1 |
2 | A | B | C | 2 |
3 | D | E | F | 3 |
4 | G | H | I | 4 |
5 | J | K | L | 5 |
6 | M | N | O | 6 |
7 | P | Q | R | S | 7 |
8 | T | U | V | 8 |
9 | W | X | Y | Z | 9 |
0 | 0 |
* | * |
# | & | Õ | , | - | . | # |