Normal dialing
With your Phone you can make a call using different methods. Please refer to your PC Phone’s User Guide.
The most direct method is by using the Phone keypad.
1.Tap the number on the phone’s keypad, and then press the phone.
key on the
Note: Audio will be heard directly on the Supertooth. At times, for first time dialing, audio will be heard on the phone and not immediately on the Supertooth. If this is the case you have to press once on the
2.To terminate the call, press down the
Voice Dialing
Set up voice commands for each contact as per the Phone’s user manual.
To activate voice dialing…
1.Press the
2.When prompted by a beep, say the name you wish to call.
Calls the last number dialed from the phone.
1.Press and hold for 3 seconds the
1.Audio Transfer to the phone during a call can be done by accessing the phone’s Menu and selecting Turn Handsfree ON/OFF.
Kit to Phone
Flip down the Swivel Arm to 0º position (or
Phone to Kit
Flip the Swivel Arm up from 0º to 55ºor 210º position
Rejecting a call can be done from the Phone by selecting IGNORE or from the Supertooth by pressing the Reject button.
Note: It is recommended to create a phone profile to use with the Supertooth. Configure phone volume and ring settings to suit your cars environment.