46 / Installing the T7406 Handset Accessories
Installing the T7406 Handset Accessories
This section describes how to use the utility accessories on your handset.
1 | 2 ABC | 3 DEF |
4 GHI | 5 JKL | 6 MNO |
7 PQRS | 8 TUV | 9 WXYZ |
| 0 | # |
The Handset Card
On the handset card, you can write names or numbers identifying the six memory buttons on the handset. For more information, refer to Button Mapping on the Handset on page 37.
To install the card:
1.Insert the handset card into place.
2.Cover the handset card with the plastic lens.
The wrist strap
To free your hands, yet still keep your handset at your fingertips, you can attach a wrist strap to the handset.
To attach the wrist strap to the handset:
1.Put the loop of the wrist strap through the hook on the side of the handset.
2.Put the other end of the strap through the loop.