Getting started
Telephone base status icons
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Answering system off - indicates that the answering system will not answer incoming calls (page 50).
HOME line - on steady when the HOME line is in use. Flashes slowly when a HOME call is on hold. Flashes rapidly when there is an incoming HOME call.
CELLULAR (cell phones 1 or 2) - depending on which cell phone is active, on steady when the CELLULAR line is in use. Flashes slowly when a CELLULAR call is on hold. Flashes rapidly when there is an incoming CELLULAR call.
Bluetooth Active Devices - the telephone base is searching for the Bluetooth device(s) on the Active Devices list (page 27).
Connected Active Devices - indicates that the Bluetooth device 1 and/ or 2 are connected and on the Active Devices list. On steady means that the device is connected. Flashes when it is in the process of connecting to the device.
Disconnected Active Devices - a line through the device number (1 and/or 2) indicates that the device is disconnected from the telephone base.
Wireless Bluetooth headset - on steady when a Bluetooth headset is in use on the HOME line. Flashes when a headset is available to answer an incoming HOME call.
Ringer off - on steady when the HOME, CELL1, or CELL2 ringers are off. Flashes when one or two of the HOME, CELL1, or CELL2 ringers are off.
Battery status (optional, see page 18) - On steady when fully charged. Animates when charging. Flashes in the event of a power failure when the spare battery is discharging.