Caller Display
This network feature lets you see the phone numbers of your callers on the display, before you answer. To sub- scribe to Caller Display, simply call the company that supplies your telephone line; they’ll set it up for you.
With Caller Display, the DECT 1915/1915+1 will store the numbers of the last 20 callers, so you can call them back later. When all 20 Caller Display memories are full, the next incoming number will overwrite the oldest one. In idle mode, the display shows how many calls you have missed, if fewer than 10; if you’ve missed 10 or more calls, the display just shows Missed calls.
Examples of Caller Display records (each record includes the date and time of the call)
A call from someone whose name and number are stored in your Phone Book.
2x indicates that you’ve received two calls from this number (the one shown is the most recent).
A call from someone whose name and number are not stored in your Phone Book.
There has been just one call from this number (1x)
A call from someone who withheld their number by dialling 141 (or whose service provider withheld their number).
A call from someone whose number is unavailable (for example, an international call).
CID List
13.06.12:44 2x
David 02084329876
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13.06.13:25 1x
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