SMS text messaging
To check that the SMS text messaging service is working OK on your line, it’s a good idea to send your first text message to yourself. Simply follow the instructions below, keying in your own phone number — including the full dialling code — at step 6. The message should arrive in your Inbox shortly afterwards.
To write and 1 | Press the | |
send a text | (0r press the right Soft button [Menu], then | |
message | ||
use the or button to scroll to SMS and | ||
| ||
| select it by pressing the right Soft button [OK]) |
uThe display gives you the options:
Write Message — to write a message
Inbox — to go to your Inbox. The number of new messages and the total number of messages in your Inbox are shown (for example, (02/07) means you have two new messages and seven messages altogether).
Outbox — to go to your Outbox. The number of messages in your Outbox is shown.
Draft Box — to go to your Draft Box.
Settings — to check or change the SMS Send and Receive numbers.
2 | Press the right Soft button [OK] to select |
Write Message
uThe display shows Enter Message
3Write your message
Each time you press a numbered button, the line at the bottom of the display shows the characters you can type by pressing this button repeatedly.