Chain Dialing
The memory locations on the handset and the base are not limited to phone numbers. You may want to store in memory a group of numbers (up to 20 digits) that you need to enter once your call connects. This is referred to as Chain Dialing.
An example of this is a bank account number. Once you have called your bank, when you are prompted to enter the account number, simply press memory and then the location where the special number has been stored.
Store your special number with identifying name in memory as you would a phone number. (Refer to ”Storing a Phone Number and Name” on page 26.) Enter a pause as necessary in the sequence.
A pause counts as one digit and represents a two second delay in time between digits as they are sent.
Editing a Stored Name and/or Phone Number
1) Press and hold memory until
” Memory Store” is displayed.
2)Press ▲/up/intcm and ▼/down/conf.
or enter a number (
3) Press select/channel.
The following screen appears with the memory location number that you have selected in the display.
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