Follow these instructions to insure proper start up and confirm that the installation is correct.
1.Check to make sure Invert and Charge are OFF. The INVERT LED should not be illuminated, the CHARGE LED should be blinking (charger ready but no external AC power available). If using a Remote Control Panel or a Link Instrument, make sure inverter and charger are OFF.
2.Check battery polarity. If the unit was connected to the battery with reverse polarity, the unit will be damaged.
3.Check the battery voltage and ensure it is within proper range for the unit
4.Install the jumper in the Auxiliary Switch port (AUX SWITCH), if using the in- verter without remote. If operating the inverter with a remote, the jumper should not be used.
Do not apply shore power or generator power without preforming the following steps:
1.Test the inverter function:
•With no loads connected to the output of the inverter, turn the INVERT Switch ON. The INVERT LED should be blinking green. If using a remote, turn ON the inverter with the switch on the Remote Control Panel or Link Instrument.
•The Freedom unit will produce a slight buzz. If using a Remote Control Panel or Link Instrument the INVERT/ CHARGE LEDs will illuminate and the voltage indicator will display the battery voltage. The DC Amps LED will not be lit because the unit is in the idle mode.
Do not turn the inverter ON before eliminating any possibility of backfeed.
•Add a load of 7 watts or more to the output of the inverter. A 40 watt incandescent light bulb will work fine. The DC Amps LEDs on the remote will indicate the DC draw from the battery through the inverter.
•Leave the load connected and turn OFF the INVERT mode by pressing the INVERT switch or turn OFF the INVERT mode from the Remote Control Panel or Link Instrument.
2.Test the transfer function:
•Be sure the unit is OFF, the INVERT and CHARGE LEDs are not illuminated. Apply shore power. If there is a
•Once shore power has been applied to the unit, there will be approximately an 8 second delay. Then the unit should transfer shore power and power the load. If this does not happen, do not proceed. If the LOW BATTERY and OVERLOAD/OVERTEMP LEDs are blink- ing rapidly or if you are using a Remote Control Panel or Link Instrument, check the panel for
Freedom 15D | 29 |
Part No.