The Model G0555 Bandsaw is shipped from the manufacturer in 2 carefully packed cartons. If you discover the machine is damaged after you have signed for delivery, please call Customer Service immediately for advice.
Save the containers and all packing materials for possible inspection by the carrier or its agent. Otherwise filing a freight claim can be difficult. When you are completely satisfied with the con- dition of your shipment, you should inventory its parts.
The Model G0555 weighs approximately 167 lbs. when fully assembled. DO NOT
Some metal parts may have sharp edges that can cause minor injury. Please examine the edges of all metal parts BEFORE handling them and be careful WHILE handling them.
Piece Inventory | |
After you remove the items from Box 1, you | |
should have: |
| QTY |
Bandsaw Unit | 1 |
Table | 1 |
Trunnion Support | 1 |
Stand Top | 1 |
Stand Top Braces | 2 |
Stand Sides | 2 |
Lower Stand Braces | 2 |
Upper Stand Braces | 2 |
Knobs | 2 |
Miter Gauge | 1 |
Hardware Bags: |
Ñ Hex Bolt | 4 |
Ñ Flat Washer 8MM | 8 |
Ñ Lock Washer 8MM | 6 |
Ñ Hex Nut | 5 |
Ñ Hex Bolt | 2 |
Ñ Hex Bolt | 1 |
Ñ Carriage Bolt | 8 |
Ñ Flange Nut | 8 |
Ñ Hex Bolt | 16 |
Ñ Flat Washer 6MM | 16 |
Ñ Flange Nut | 16 |
Ñ Stand Foot | 4 |
Ñ Hex Nut | 8 |
Ñ Flat Washer M10 | 8 |
Figures 4 and 5 on the next page show the items from Box 1.
G0555 14" Ultimate Bandsaw |