3.Clamp the board to the bandsaw table with- out moving it. Now slide the fence over to the board so it barely touches one end of the board.
4.Loosen the four skewing cap screws on top of the fence.
5.Skew the fence left or right so it is parallel to the edge of the scrap piece. You may need to
6.While maintaining the skew, tighten the cap screws.
To compensate for lead if making straight crosscuts using the miter gauge, you will need to shift the table. To do this:
1.On a scrap piece of wood, mark a line that is perpendicular to the front edge. Starting where the line begins, cut the board by push- ing it through the blade with the miter gauge. The miter gauge should be checked for square before beginning this procedure.
2.Loosen the table mounting bolts according to the instructions about ÒTable AdjustmentsÓ on page 20. Shift the table to compensate for the blade lead.
3.Repeat steps 1 & 2 until the blade cuts straight when wood is pushed through with the miter gauge.
If the table is shifted, the fence will be affected since it is attached.
Lead adjustments will change when new blades are mounted on the saw.
G0555 14" Ultimate Bandsaw
Wheel Alignment
Wheel alignment is one of the easiest ways to ensure you get optimal performance from your bandsaw. When wheels are aligned, or coplanar, the bandsaw is more likely to cut straight without wandering; and vibration, heat, and blade wear are considerably decreased because the blade is automatically balanced on the wheel. This is known as “Coplanar Tracking.”
To verify if the the upper and lower wheels are coplanar:
1.With the blade on and properly tensioned, hold a straightedge close to the center of both wheels. Make sure the straightedge fully extends across the wheels as shown in Figure 42.