Hobart Welding Products OM-198 683C Voltmeter And Wire Feed Speed Meter Operation, Welding Status

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3-2. Voltmeter And Wire Feed Speed Meter Operation




2Wire Feed Speed Meter

Power Up Status

Both meters display zeros at unit power up. After one second, preset values appear on both meters. The MIG gun settings (not spool gun) are always the default at initial power up of the unit.

Welding Status

When either a MIG gun or spool gun trigger is pressed and a welding arc is established, the voltmeter displays actual weld voltage. When the gun trigger is released and welding arc extinguished, the voltmeter displays the last actual voltage for 5 seconds and then returns to preset voltage. If welding resumes before unit displays preset voltage, actual welding voltage will appear on the voltmeter.

The wire feed speed meter always displays preset wire feed speed (IPM).

Gun Selection

The wire feed speed meter will display preset wire feed speed (IPM) for the appropriate gun selection either MIG or spool gun. To preset desired wire feed speed, connect desired gun, press gun trigger for one second, and release trigger. The meter preset will be retained by the meter board until a different gun is connected and preset is performed or the unit is turned off and back on. The MIG gun settings (not spool gun) are always the default at initial power up of the unit.

Error Message

If the rectifier thermostat opens, the voltmeter will display (H – –) and the wire feed speed meter will display (– – –). During this overheated condition, the unit is inoperative and the meters retain their display until the rectifier returns to normal operating temperature.

OM-198 683 Page 19

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Contents Description OM-198 683CProcesses From Hobart to You Table of Contents Page Electric Shock can kill Symbol UsageMarks a special safety message Arc Welding HazardsBuildup of GAS can injure or kill ARC Rays can burn eyes and skinWelding can cause fire or explosion Flying Metal can injure eyesPrincipal Safety Standards About Pacemakers EMF InformationLES Fumé ES ET LES GAZ peuvent ê tre dangereux Signification des symbolesConsignes DE Securite Lire Avant Utilisation UN Choc É Lectrique peut tuerLE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe LE Soudage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosionDES Particules Volantes peuvent blesser les yeux DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessures Risque D’INCENDIE OULA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesser ’EMPLOI Excessif peutConsignes relatives aux stimulateurs cardiaques Principales normes de sé curitéInformation sur les champs é lectromagné tiques Exceeding duty cycle can damage unit and void warranty InstallationSpecifications Welding Power Source Duty Cycle And OverheatingDefinition Welding Gun Duty Cycle And OverheatingVolt-Ampere Curves Connecting Olympic 30A Gun Installing Work ClampInstalling Welding Gun Installing Gas Supply Setting Gun Polarity For Wire TypePositioning Jumper Links Installing Wire Spool and Adjusting Hub TensionSelecting a Location And Connecting Input Power Electrical Service GuideScale Threading Welding WireWeld Parameter 196 Controls OperationWelding Status Voltmeter And Wire Feed Speed Meter OperationPower Up Status Error MessageUnit Overload Maintenance &TROUBLESHOOTINGRoutine Maintenance Circuit Breaker CB1Replacing Gun Contact Tip Changing Drive Roll and Wire Inlet GuideTurn Off power Aligning Drive Rolls and Wire Guide To Reassemble Gun Cleaning Or Replacing Gun LinerDisconnect gun from unit first Disconnect gun first Replacing Switch And/Or Head TubeTrouble Remedy TroubleshootingOM-198 683 Circuit Diagram Electrical DiagramMain Assembly Parts ListDia Part Description Mkgs Quantity Baffle, Center w/Components Baffle, Center w/Components -1 Item M-25 Gun M-25 Gun -1 Item Panel, Front w/Components -1 Item Wire Drive And Gears Wire Drive And Gears -2 ItemPanel, Rear w/Components -1 Item Drive Roll And Wire Guide KitsPage Page Support ServiceHobart Welding Products Contact your Distributor for