3 Tests and Diagnostics | 3.28 LAN/Modem/Bluetooth/IEEE1394 Test Program |
If the machine detects a malfunction, it indicates the error code as shown below.
The error code begins with the least significant digit.
Error code
Table 3-6 Error code for Bluetooth test (BD_ADDR) (1/2)
Error code | Meaning |
0x01 | Unknown HCI Command. |
0x02 | No Connection. |
0x03 | Hardware Failure. |
0x04 | Page Timeout. |
0x05 | Authentication Failure. |
0x06 | Key Missing. |
0x07 | Memory Full. |
0x08 | Connection Timeout. |
0x09 | Max Number Of Connections. |
0x0a | Max Number Of SCO Connections To A Device. |
0x0b | ACL Connection already exists. |
0x0c | Command Disallowed. |
0x0d | Host Rejected due to limited resources. |
0x0e | Host Rejected due to security reasons. |
0x0f | Host Rejected due to remote device is only a personal device. |
0x10 | Host Timeout. |
0x11 | Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value. |
0x12 | Invalid HCI Command Parameters. |
0x13 | Other End Terminated Connection: Used Ended Connection. |
0x14 | Other End Terminated Connection: Low Resources. |
0x15 | Other End Terminated Connection: About to Power Off. |
0x16 | Connection Terminated by Local Host. |
0x17 | Repeated Attempts. |
0x18 | Paring Not Allowed. |
0x19 | Unknown LMP PDU. |
0x1a | Unsupported Remote Feature. |
0x1b | SCO Offset Rejected. |
0x1c | SCO Interval Rejected. |
0x1d | SCO Air Mode Rejected. |
0x1e | Invalid LMP Parameters. |
0x1f | Unspecified Error. |
See the Specification of the Bluetooth System for details.
[CONFIDENTIAL] | PORTÉGÉ M500 Maintenance Manual |