1.66GHz (T2300) /1.83GHz (T2400)/2.00GHz (T2500)/ 2.16GHz (T2600)/2.33GHz (T2700)
1.66GHz (T1300)/1.83GHz (T1400) ): Processor Number
1.1 Features | 1 Hardware Overview |
The system unit is composed of the following major components:
Intel® CoreTM Duo Processor (dual core) or Intel® CoreTM Solo Processor (single core)
•Core speed:
Dual core:
Single core
–Processor bus speed: 667MHz
–Core voltage: 0.50 to 1.30V
–Integrated L1 cache memory of 64KB (32KB +32KB)
–Integrated L2 cache memory of 2MB
–Integrated NDP
Intel® Celeron® M Processor
•Core speed:
1.46GHz (410)/1.60GHz (420)/1.72GHz (430) ( ): Processor Number
–Processor bus speed: 533MHz
–Core voltage: 1.00 to 1.30V
–Integrated L1 cache memory of 64KB (32KB +32KB)
–Integrated L2 cache memory of 1MB
–Integrated NDP
PORTÉGÉ M500 Maintenance Manual | [CONFIDENTIAL] |