Using Centers
The MT#2 dead center is used in the tailstock, and the MT#3 in the lathe spindle. When used in the tailstock, make sure to keep the dead center tip and workpiece lubricated to prevent tip galling.
To install a dead or live center into the tailstock, do these steps:
1.Feed the quill out about 1" and insert the dead center (Figure 23). The mating tapers provide the locking action.
2.Move the tailstock into position and lock the tailstock in place.
3.Feed the quill into the workpiece.
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4.Lock the quill into place once the live center and the part rotate together.
Note: K_\hl`ccdXpe\\[kfY\X[aljk\[[li`e^ fg\iXk`fe%
5.To remove the dead center, retract the quill until the dead center pops free.
To install a MT#5 dead center into the spindle, do these steps:
1.Remove the chuck from the spindle.
2.Make sure all mating surfaces are clean and are wiped with a thin coat of oil.
3.Install the dead center in the spindle.
4.Attach the faceplate to the spindle.
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=`^li\23% Live center installed.
=`^li\24% Faceplate and dead center
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