Test Run and Break-In
The purpose of the test run is to make sure the benchtop lathe and safety features operate correctly before proceeding with additional setup.
To begin the test run procedure, do these steps:
(% Make sure the benchtop lathe is lubricated. Refer to GX^\*+ if required.
)% Make sure the chuck is threaded onto the spindle tightly and the two set screws are tight. Refer to :_lZbXe[=XZ\gcXk\Dflek`e^onGX^\ (0for details.
*% Before starting the lathe, make sure the lathe is properly grounded and the power and directional switch is in the OFF position.
+% Inspect the machine to ensure that all hand tools are out of the way, guards are in place, and nothing is impeding the movement of the chuck.
,. Push both the
•If you hear squealing or grinding noises, turn the machine OFF immediately and correct any problem before further operation.
•If the problem is not readily apparent, refer to
KiflYc\j_ffk`e^ on GX^\+'.
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Feed Lever
Figure 9. Apron control levers.