This Metal Lathe is shipped from the manufactur- er in a carefully packed crate. If you discover the machine is damaged after you’ve signed for deliv- ery, and the truck and driver are gone, you will need to file a freight claim with the carrier. Save the containers and all packing materials for pos- sible inspection by the carrier or its agent. Without the packing materials, filing a freight claim can be difficult. If you need assistance determining whether you need to file a freight claim, or with the procedure to file one, please contact our Customer Service.
The G4002 and G4003 are heavy machines (1015 lbs. and 1040 lbs. shipping weight). DO NOT
When you are completely satisfied with the con- dition of your shipment, you should inventory its parts.
Piece Inventory
The Model G4002/3 is, for the most part, pre- assembled at the factory. Inside the crate you’ll find:
•The Model G4002/3 Metal Lathe
•Face Plate
•Steady Rest
•Follow Rest
•Quick Change Tool Post
•Tool Holder
•Metric Allen® Wrenches
•Straight Blade Screwdriver
•Phillips® Screwdriver
•Oil can
•26T Gear
•27T Gear
•35T Gear
•2- 40T Gear
•45T Gear
•50T Gear
•Chuck wrenches (2)
•Reverse Jaws for the
•Dead Center - MT #3
•Live Center - MT #3
In the event that any
G4002/3 Gear Head Lathes |