Daily Gun Maintenance
Problem | Cause | Solution |
Spray Pattern | Normal pattern. | No action necessary. |
Right |
Spray Pattern | Dirty or damaged air cap or fluid | Rotate air cap 180°. |
| nozzle. | If pattern follows air cap, problem is in air |
| |
| cap (13). Clean and inspect. If pattern is |
| not corrected, replace air cap. |
Wrong |
| If pattern does not follow the air cap, the |
Heavy top |
| |
| problem is with the fluid nozzle. Clean | |
or bottom |
| |
| and inspect the nozzle. If the pattern is | |
| |
| not corrected, replace nozzle. |
Spray Pattern | Pressure too high for viscosity of | Reduce air pressure and increase mate- |
| material being sprayed. | rial viscosity. |
| Correct pattern by narrowing fan size with |
Wrong |
| fluid control valve (8). |
Split pattern |
Spray Pattern | Dirty or distorted air horn holes. | Clean and inspect air cap. If pattern is not |
| corrected, replace air cap. |
Wrong |
Gun spitting | Air getting into paint stream. | Check if cup is empty and fill. |
| Tighten fluid nozzle (11). |
| Check and tighten needle packing nut (17). |
| Check fluid nozzle (11) for damage. |
| Replace fluid inlet gasket (3) |
| Damaged fluid nozzle seal (19). | Replace seal (19). |
Will not spray | Cup is empty. | Fill cup. |
| Fluid control valve (8) turned too | Adjust valve (8) counterclockwise. |
| far clockwise. |
12 | 312579H |