Detailed description of RS commands
DLI Defines the DataLogger transmission interval
Syntax #adrDLIxxx<CR>[<LF>]
xxx:DataLogger transmission interval in seconds condition: 001 ≤ xxx ≤ 255
Result #adr,ok or Err2
See also: DLR Note: if ok, the interval sent is stored in user memory.
| Enables DataLogger operation (RS232 only) |
Syntax #adrDLR<CR>[<LF>]
Result #adr,sssss,nnnnn,iiii,ttttt,uuuu.o,www,ppp,vvv
Returns current values | : |
sssss: current speed (rpm)
nnnnn: speed set point (rpm)
iiii: current value (mA)
ttttt: pump operating time (hours) uuuu.o : (reserved)
www: pwm (reserved)
ppp: pump temperature (°C)
vvv: variator temperature (°C)
The main characteristics of the pump and its controller are sent over the RS link, at the rate defined by the DLI command.
See also: DLI, LNG, SEP, SHT Note: any new characters arriving on the serial port (RS 232) will cancel the automatic DataLogger transmission.
January 2001
Alcatel Vacuum Technology France - ACT 250 addendum | 17 |