Detailed description of RS commands
STA Returns the status of the internal dynamic parameters
Syntax #adrSTA<CR>[<LF>]
Result #adr,xxxxxx,yyyyyy,zzzzzz,sssss,iiii,www,ppp,vvv,ttttt<CR><LF>
adr: address
xxxxxxstatus bits:
5 - RS echo
4 - String long (0) / short (1)
3 - On (1) / Off (0)
2 - reduced or nominal speed reached(1)
1 - standby (1)
0 -
zzzzzzalert bits:
5 - reserved (future use)
4 - reserved (future use)
3 - variator temperature
2 - motor temperature
1 -
0 - operating time exceeded
yyyyyyfault bits:
5 - variator temperature
4 - motor temperature
3 - excess current
2 - sensors or
1 - external
0 - pump not connected
ssssscurrent speed value in rpm
iiiicurrent value in mA
wwwreserved (pwm value)
ppppump temperature value
vvvvariator temperature
tttttpump operating time value
January 2001
Reminder: The “#” character at the start of the reply string can be set with the “HDR” command.
The “,” character which separates the parameters in the reply string can be modified with the “SEP” command.
| TMP |
| Defines the turbomolecular pump operating state | |
| Syntax |
| #adrTMPON<CR>[<LF>] : start pump rotation | |
| #adrTMPOFF<CR>[<LF>]: stop pump | |
| Result |
| #adr,ok or #adr,Err3 | if the pump is already in the state |
| requested (context error) |
Alcatel Vacuum Technology France - ACT 250 addendum | 23 |