Carrier 50HQP072-120 specifications System Test, Aquazone Deluxe D Control LED Indica

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immediately once the demand is removed. The control re- verts to Heating Stage 1 mode. If there is a master/slave or dual compressor application, all compressor relays and re- lated functions will operate per their associated DIP switch 2 setting on S1.

HEATING STAGE 3 — In Heating Stage 3 mode, the Fan Enable, Fan Speed and Compressor relays remain on. The EH1 output is turned on immediately. With continuing Heat Stage 3 demand, EH2 will turn on after 10 minutes. EH1 and EH2 are turned off immediately when the Heating Stage 3 demand is removed. The control reverts to Heating Stage 2 mode.

Output EH2 will be off if FP1 is greater than 7.2 C AND FP2 (when shorted) is greater than 43.3 C during Heating Stage 3 mode. This condition will have a 30-second recognition time. Also, during Heating Stage 3 mode, EH1, EH2, Fan Enable, and Fan Speed will be ON if G input is not active.

EMERGENCY HEAT — In Emergency Heat mode, the Fan Enable and Fan Speed relays are turned on. The EH1 output is turned on immediately. With continuing Emergen- cy Heat demand, EH2 will turn on after 5 minutes. Fan En- able and Fan Speed relays are turned off after a 60-second delay. The control reverts to Standby mode.

Output EH1, EH2, Fan Enable, and Fan Speed will be ON if the G input is not active during Emergency Heat mode.

COOLING STAGE 1 — In Cooling Stage 1 mode, the Fan Enable, compressor and RV relays are turned on immediate- ly. If configured as stage 2 (DIP switch set to OFF) then the compressor and fan will not turn on until there is a stage 2 demand. The Fan Enable and compressor relays are turned off immediately when the Cooling Stage 1 demand is re- moved. The control reverts to Standby mode. The RV relay remains on until there is a heating demand. If there is a mas- ter/slave or dual compressor application, all compressor re- lays and related functions will track with their associated DIP switch 2 on S1.

COOLING STAGE 2 — In Cooling Stage 2 mode, the Fan Enable, compressor and RV relays remain on. The Fan Speed relay is turned on immediately and turned off once the Cooling Stage 2 demand is removed. The control reverts to Cooling Stage 1 mode. If there is a master/slave or dual compressor application, all compressor relays and related functions will track with their associated DIP switch 2 on S1.

NIGHT LOW LIMIT (NLL) STAGED HEATING — In NLL staged Heating mode, the override (OVR) input be- comes active and is recognized as a call for heating and the control will immediately go into a Heating Stage 1 mode. With an additional 30 minutes of NLL demand, the control will go into Heating Stage 2 mode. With another additional 30 minutes of NLL demand, the control will go into Heating Stage 3 mode.


System testing provides the ability to check the control operation. The control enters a 20-minute Test mode by mo- mentarily shorting the test pins. All time delays are in- creased 15 times.

Test Mode — To enter Test mode on Complete C or De- luxe D controls, cycle the fan 3 times within 60 seconds. The LED (light-emitting diode) will flash a code representing the last fault when entering the Test mode. The alarm relay will

also power on and off during Test mode. See Tables 14-16. To exit Test mode, short the terminals for 3 seconds or cycle the power 3 times within 60 seconds.

NOTE: The Deluxe D control has a flashing code and alarm relay cycling code that will both have the same numerical label. For example, flashing code 1 will have an alarm relay cycling code 1. Code 1 indicates the control has not faulted since the last power off to power on sequence.

Retry Mode — In Retry mode, the status LED will start to flash slowly to signal that the control is trying to recover from an input fault. The control will stage off the outputs and try to again satisfy the thermostat used to terminal Y. Once the ther- mostat input calls are satisfied, the control will continue normal operation.

NOTE: If 3 consecutive faults occur without satisfying the thermostat input call to terminal Y, the control will go into lockout mode. The last fault causing the lockout is stored in memory and can be viewed by entering Test mode.

Aquazone™ Deluxe D Control LED Indica-

tors — There are 3 LED indicators on the Deluxe D control: STATUS LED — Status LED indicates the current status or mode of the Deluxe D control. The Status LED light is green.

TEST LED — Test LED will be activated any time the De- luxe D control is in Test mode. The Test LED light is yellow.

FAULT LED — Fault LED light is red. The fault LED will always flash a code representing the last fault in memory. If there is no fault in memory, the fault LED will flash code 1 on the and appear as 1 fast flash alternating with a 10-second pause. See Table 16.

Table 14 — Complete C Control Current LED

Status and Alarm Relay Operations








Normal Mode





Normal Mode with





PM Warning

(closed 5 sec.,




Open 25 sec.)








Complete C Control is












Fault Retry


Slow Flash


Over/Under Voltage Shutdown





(Closed after





15 minutes)


Fast Flash




Flashing Code 1

Test Mode — No fault in memory

Cycling Code 1

Flashing Code 2

Test Mode — HP Fault in memory

Cycling Code 2

Flashing Code 3

Test Mode — LP Fault in memory

Cycling Code 3

Flashing Code 4

Test Mode — FP1 Fault in memory

Cycling Code 4

Flashing Code 5

Test Mode — FP2 Fault in memory

Cycling Code 5

Flashing Code 6

Test Mode — CO Fault in memory

Cycling Code 6

Flashing Code 7


Test Mode — Over/Under

Cycling Code 7


shutdown in memory





Flashing Code 8


Test Mode — PM in memory

Cycling Code 8

Flashing Code 9


Test Mode — FP1/FP2

Cycling Code 9


Swapped fault in memory










Condensate Overflow



Freeze Protection



High Pressure


LED — Light-Emitting Diode



Low Pressure



Performance Monitor



1.Slow flash is 1 flash every 2 seconds.

2.Fast flash is 2 flashes every 1 second.

3.EXAMPLE: “Flashing Code 2” is represented by 2 fast flashes followed by a 10-second pause. This sequence will repeat continually until the fault is cleared.


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Contents Safety Considerations ContentsGeneral InstallationPhysical Data 50HQP072-120 Units Unit Dimensions Typical Horizontal Installation Hanger Brackets Install Condensate Piping DrainRemoving Panels Supply/Return Hose Kit Install Field Power Supply WiringTypical Ground-Water Piping Installation Material Water Quality GuidelinesFP1 DPPFP2 HpwrSee legend and notes on SAT LWTSPT Electrical Data 50HQP072-120 Standard Units Electrical Data 50HQP072-120 Dual Point Power UnitsLow Voltage VA Ratings Jumper Locations Install Field Control WiringPRE-START-UP Airflow Blower Data 50HQP072Blower Data 50HQP096 Blower Data 50HQP120 Deluxe D Control Jumper Settings See Fig Complete C Control Jumper Settings See FigField Selectable Inputs DIP Switch Block S2 Accessory 2 Relay Options DIP Switch Block S2 Accessory 1 Relay OptionsAccessory DIP Switch Position Relay Options OADSTART-UP Unit Start-Up in Cooling ModeOperating Limits Start Up SystemCoaxial Water Pressure Drop Unit Start-Up in Heating ModeSize Antifreeze Percentages by Volume Approximate Fluid Volume L Per 30 M of PipeOperation Units with Aquazone Complete C ControlAquazone Deluxe D Control LED Indica System TestFault Descriptions ServiceComplete C Control LED Code Gravity Flow Method a50-8586 Air Coil Fan Motor Removal Refrigerant ChargingUnit Size Component Drive Package 50HQP Sheave AlignmentThermistor Nominal Resistance TroubleshootingFault Heating Cooling Possible Cause Solution TroubleshootingUnit Does Not Operate Page Copyright 2010 Carrier Corporation II. START-UP START-UP ChecklistCooling Cycle Analysis Heating Cycle Analysis