2.) Return paint from RAPIDROLLERTM to can by holding RAPIDROLLERTM at a 45 L degree angle and pushing fill valve onto fill tube until it bottoms on fill
tube. Make sure orange fill valve is completely covered by shroud of can lid. Push plunger in until it stops.
3.) Scrape excess paint into can from roller.
Remove the roller by grasping the outer end cap and the roller frame and using your thumb on the opposite hand to push the roller off as shown. HINT: Wear disposable gloves or use a plastic bag over roller to keep your hands clean.
4.) Remove the inner end cap by inserting the metal tube of the roller frame into the cap about 1 inch and at an angle. Pull the roller frame gently towards you (fig. N).
Remove the roller core. Empty any remaining paint.
Remove the outer cap by inserting the roller frame into the roller and gently pushing the cap off (fig. O).
1.) Remove the fill tube from the paint can lid and push
it directly into the fill valve. When cleaning water soluble paints, submerge the fill tube into warm, soapy water and pull the plunger in and out 5 or more times. When using oil based paints, instead of water, use proper cleaning solvent listed on manufacturers container and dispose of properly.
HINT: Use a sink, a wash tub, or any container that will hold water to perform above flushing process.
Replace water when dirty or when moving to the next step.
2.) Remove the fill tube. Then submerge the roller frame, and ensuring the fill valve is also under water, pull the plunger in and out 5 or more times (fig. Q).
HINT: When using a small container, pivot the roller frame to the 80 degree position to fit
inside container (fig. Q1).
3.) Remove roller frame and continue cleaning as needed. Submerge the handle in the warm, soapy | R | |
HINT:water andWipepullofftheremainingplungerpaintin andfromoutthe5 orendmoreof plungertimes. | (a). | |
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