Water IN & OUT Connections
For proper operation and maximum efficiency, piping coming from the pump and filter MUST be connected to the "IN" port of the heater. Likewise, connect piping returning to the pool/spa to the "OUT" port of the heater. See drawing below.
Electrical Requirements
Failure to heed the following may result in permanent injury or death.
Installation made by unqualified persons can result in hazards to the installer and others. The information contained in this Electrical Installation section is intended for use by qualified electrical installation technicians, familiar with electrical service industry safety standards and methods. Electrical installation to be performed by qualified individuals only.
General Information:
uWhen possible, locate the equipment disconnect means within arm's reach of the heater's electrical enclosure or as close as possible to the heater. Always satisfy applicable codes and standards.
uAll AquaCal heat pumps are designed for copper conductors, only. In sizing power wiring, be especially aware of
uMultiple heaters installed at same site generally require special sequencing controls (AquaCal part
uElectrical installation should be by licensed electrician only.
uConnecting External Controllers: See document entitled “Connecting External Controllers to AquaCal Heat Pumps”. These instructions are shipped inside heater accompanying the electrical schematic.