Miller Electric DS-74DX12 Burnback, Trigger Hold Setup, Trigger Program Select, Process Select

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5-12 Auxiliary Menus (Continued)


If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit allows burnback time to be set.

Burnback time and voltage can be specified when the lower display indicates “BURN” and the upper display indicates the burnback time or voltage. The Adjust control is used to set the desired burnback time or voltage. Burnback settings, like run-in settings, are program spe- cific. The active program is displayed in the Program display and can be adjusted (see Section 5-6).

Trigger Hold Setup

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit allows trigger hold delay time to be set.

Trigger hold delay time is indicated by ”HOLD” in the lower display and the hold delay time in the upper display. The adjust control can be used to specify a new delay time for trigger hold. Trigger hold delay time is the minimum amount of time the trigger must be held for trig- ger hold to work when the trigger is released (the trigger hold function must be on). For ex- ample, if a trigger hold delay time of 2.0 sec- onds is defined, the operator must hold the trigger for at least 2 seconds before releasing it in order for the trigger hold function to work. Once the trigger hold function is in effect, the wire feeder will stay On until the trigger is pressed and released again.

There is an additional function built in called ”maximum trigger hold time” which is the maximum length of time the trigger can be held and the trigger hold function still work when the trigger is released (the trigger hold function must be on). The maximum trigger hold time is set at 4.0 seconds after the trig- ger hold delay time. For example, if a trigger hold delay time of 2.0 seconds is defined, and the operator held the trigger in for more than 6.0 seconds, the trigger hold function would not be in effect and the wire feeder would stop when the trigger is released.

When the Setup push button is pressed again, the menu repeats to the first menu selection of run-in wire speed selection.

Trigger Program Select

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit allows Trigger Program Select or Trigger Dual Schedule to be enabled or disabled.

The upper display shows “TSEL”. Lower dis- play shows “OFF” or “PROG” or “DUAL”. The Adjust Control is used to select “OFF” or “PROG” or “DUAL”.

Trigger Program Select (PROG) allows the operator to select programs during preflow by clicking the trigger (pulling and releasing the trigger in a maximum of 0.2 seconds). The feeder will switch between any programs that have a minimum of 0.2 seconds of preflow time set in the weld sequence. Any combination of

programs may be used. Trigger Program Se- lect cannot be used while welding or with Dual Schedule.

(Example: If programs 1 and 3 have a mini- mum of 0.2 seconds of preflow time, clicking the trigger will toggle between programs 1 and 3).

Trigger Dual Schedule Select (DUAL) allows the operator to switch between paired sched- ules (programs 1−2, 3−4, 5−6, or 7−8) with the gun trigger, but only while welding. This fea- ture cannot be used with Trigger Hold or Dual Schedule. To end the weld, the trigger must be released for 0.4 seconds.

(Example: when welding with this feature en- abled in program 1, if you release, re-trigger, and hold again within <0.4 seconds, the active program will switch to program 2. If the pre- vious sequence is repeated the active pro- gram will switch back to program 1. This cycle can be repeated for the entire weld).

Process Select

Process selection indicated by ”PROS” in the upper display is set to either ”VOLT” or ”TRIM” in the lower display. Each program can be se- lected be be a MIG program indicated by ”VOLT” or a pulsing program indicated by ”TRIM”.

Range Locks

Range locks are indicated by “LOCK” in the upper display for wire speed or “LOCK” in the lower display for voltage range. In a MIG pro- gram, the voltage range lock ranges from 0 to 10 volts. In a pulse program, the trim range lock ranges from 0 to 100. The wire feed speed range lock ranges from 0 to 250 ipm. Locks are program dependent and wire speed is inde- pendent from voltage or trim.

Wire Feed Speed Units

Wire feed speed setting indicated by “WFS” in the upper display is set to “IPM” inches−per− minute or ”MPM” meters−per−minute. This setting is independent of the program se- lected.


If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit allows OPT1 to be disabled or enabled.

The upper display shows “OPT1”. Lower dis- play shows “On” or “Off”. The Adjust Control is used to select either “On” or “Off”.

“OPT1” is used by the Water Flow Shutdown Option to stop the weld sequence if water flow to a water cooled gun is interrupted. A closed set of contacts between pins 1 and 2 of RC26 on Interface Board (PC20) will allow feeder to operate normally. Opening the contacts will stop the weld sequence and display “ERR” in the upper display and “OPT1” in the lower dis- play.


If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit allows OPT2 to be disabled or enabled.

The upper display shows “OPT2”. Lower dis- play shows “On” or “Off”. The Adjust Control is used to select either “On” or “Off”.

“OPT2” is a second input that may be used with an external device, such as a gas flow switch, to end the weld sequence. The gas flow switch may be used to stop the weld se- quence if shielding gas flow to the gun is inter- rupted. A closed set of contacts between pins 1 and 2 of RC24 on Interface Board (PC20) will allow feeder to operate normally. Opening the contacts will stop the weld sequence and dis- play “ERR” in the upper display and “OPT2” in the lower display.

Display Hold

Display hold indicated by ”DISP” in the upper display is set to “OFF” or “HOLD” in the lower display. When ”HOLD” is selected, the unit will hold the last weld information for 5 seconds fol- lowing weld termination. If any front panel push button is pressed, or if the Adjust control is activated, the display hold feature is termi- nated.

Software Revision Level

If the Setup push button is pressed, the unit displays the software version being used by the interface PCB (PC20).

When the Setup button is pressed again, the menu repeats.


Upon leaving the auxiliary menu, the user is asked if a password code indicated by “CODE” in the top display should be activated. By default the code is off, indicated by “OFF” in the lower display. The user may enter a nu- merical password between 0 and 999 by turn- ing the Adjust control. When the user re−en- ters the auxiliary menu, the password code must be selected to gain access to the auxilia- ry menu. A failed attempt return the user to the weld screen and a counter is incremented. A counter in the program display shows the number of incorrect attempts. The user has five attempts to enter the correct password code before being locked out of the auxiliary menu, indicated by “LOCK” in the lower dis- play . The power may be cycled to continue welding but the user will remained locked out of the auxiliary menu. Pressing the Program, Sequence, upper display, and Set−up push buttons simultaneously, the counter can be re- set in the weld screen. Resetting the counter is indicated by “CODE” in the upper display and “RSET” in the lower display. Pressing the Program, Sequence, upper display, and Set− up push buttons simultaneously again will al- low the user to reset the unit to the factory de- faults, indicated by “WIPE” in the upper dis- play. Resetting the unit will also turn off the password code feature.

OM-1500-14 Page 26

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Contents Description OM-1500-14 207 499HProcesses File MIG GmawFrom Miller to You Table of Contents Options and Accessories Warranty Electric Shock can kill Symbol UsageArc Welding Hazards HOT Parts can cause severe burnsWelding can cause fire or explosion Fumes and Gases can be hazardousARC Rays can burn eyes and skin Flying Metal or Dirt can injure eyesFalling Unit can cause injury Welding Wire can cause injuryFire or Explosion hazard Moving Parts can cause injuryEMF Information Principal Safety StandardsCalifornia Proposition 65 Warnings About Implanted Medical DevicesSymboles utilisés UNE Décharge Électrique peut entraîner la mortIndique des instructions spécifiques DES Pièces Chaudes peuvent provoquer des brûlures graves LES Fumées ET LES GAZ peuvent être dangereuxLE Soudage peut provoquer un in cendie ou une explosion Risque D’INCENDIE OU D’EXPLO- Sion LE Bruit peut endommager l’ouïeLES Bouteilles peuvent exploser si elles sont endommagées LA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesserProposition californienne 65 Avertissements LES Fils DE Soudage peuvent provoquer des blessuresLE Soudage À L’ARC risque de provoquer des interférences Principales normes de sécurité Information EMFEn ce qui concerne les implants médicaux OM-1500-14 Installing Swivel Into Pipe Post − InstallationSpecifications − IntroductionInstalling Control Box And Adjusting Tilt Installing Boom And Reel SupportInstalling Wire Guide Extension Equipment Connection Diagram Shielding gas pressure not toExceed 100 PSI 689 kPa Control Box Connections Pin Plug InformationPin Information Motor Speed Wire Type Wire Size Feed Speed Capability Removing Safety Collar And Adjusting BoomWire Type, Size, And Feed Speed Capability Table Gun Recommendation TableSlip at the feeder see pressure adjust Installing And Threading Welding WireAgainst surface. Tighten knob so wire Ment above. Cut wire off. Close coverDIP Switch S1 DIP Switch S4 Not For Customer Use Setting Internal DIP SwitchesWhen DIP switch positions are changed, Position Settings And Results For DIP Switch S1Power Source Selection Menu − Operation Power SwitchLeft/Right Select Switch Operational TermsJog/Purge Switch Front Panel ControlsTime sec To set the correct voltage range for a particular power Program Push ButtonUpper Display Setup Push Button Lower DisplaySequence Push Button Adjust ControlWelding Sequence Diagram Start WeldAuxiliary Menus Burnback Trigger Hold SetupWire Feed Speed Units Trigger Program Select− Setting Sequence Parameters Sequence Parameters In a ProgramFor more information on Sequence Push Button see Section − Setting Dual Schedule Parameters Optional Dual Schedule Switch DiagramsError Indications DiagnosticsError There is a two-position DIPRoutine Maintenance − Maintenance & TroubleshootingDiagnostics For User Defined Options MonthsTrouble Remedy TroubleshootingDisconnect power before troubleshooting Pull− Electrical Diagram Circuit Diagram204 144-C − Parts List 10-3 10-2 10-4 29 28Optional Control Box Harness Connectors/Receptacles PLG117 165Boom Assembly Boom Assembly -1Item Drive Assembly, Wire Drive Assembly, Wire -1Items 26PLG5 Hardware is common Not available unless listedRoll Drive Roll and Wire Guide KitsFraction Metric Kit RollPage Start Your Professional Welding Career Now Page Service Your distributor also givesSupport For assistance in filing or settling claims, contact To locate a Distributor or Service Agency visitMiller Electric Mfg. Co Your distributor and/or equipment manufacturer’s