DeWalt DWE4559CN Three Year Limited Warranty, Year Free Service, DAY Money Back Guarantee

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FOR YOUR SAFETY: Registering your product will allow us to contact you in the unlikely event a safety notification is required under the Federal Consumer Safety Act.

Register online at

FREE WARNING LABEL REPLACEMENT: If your warning labels become illegible or are missing, call 1-800-4-DE.:.WALT(1-800-433- 9258) for a free replacement.

Three Year Limited Warranty

DE.:.WALTwill repair, without charge, any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship for three years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover part failure due to normal wear or tool abuse. For further detail of warranty coverage and warranty repair information, visit or call 1-800-4-DEWALT (1-800- 433-9258). This warranty does not apply to accessories or damage caused where repairs have been made or attempted by others. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary in certain states or provinces.

In addition to the warranty, DEWALT tools are covered by our:


DEWALT will maintain the tool and replace worn parts caused by normal use, for free, any time during the first year after purchase.


If you are not completely satisfied with the performance of your DEWALT Power Tool, Laser, or Nailer for any reason, you can return it within 90 days from the date of purchase with a receipt for a full refund - no questions asked.

LATIN AMERICA: This warranty does not apply to products sold in Latin America. For products sold in Latin America, see country specific warranty information contained in the packaging, call the local company or see website for warranty information.


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Contents Heavy Duty Large Angle Grinders Electrical Safety Definitions Safety GuidelinesGeneral Power Tool Safety Warnings Work Area SafetyFor your Stay alertUse Common Do notAbrasivej Cuing-OffOperations Safety iNSTRUCTiONS forService ALL OperationsKickback and Related Warnings Position the cord clear of the spinning accessory. /f youRegularly clean the power tools air vents. The motors Contactwithwheel,andsparksthatcouldigniteclothing Additional Safety Warnings Specific forSafety Warnings Specific for Polishing Operations Safety Warnings Specific for SandingBrushing Operations Safety Warnings Specific for WireAdditional Safety Rules for Grinders Future USE Save These iNSTRUCTiONS forToughcord TM System FamiliarizationDust Ejection System DWE4597, DWE4597N, DWE4599N Switch Protection TMAttacMng Side Handle FigAttach M Ents Wheel Mountin9 Accessories AttachmentsFIG3. \ Mounting and Removing Guard Mounting GuardSanding Flap Discs Grinding Wheels Sanding Discs Type28hubbedwheelWheels Wire WheelsFlaring Cup Stones When Switch FigOperation ReduceMounting NON-HUBBED Wheels Trigger Operation with LOCK-ONFEATURESpindle Lock Button FIG Mounting and Removing Hubbed WheelsMounting Sanding Backing Pads FIG ThewheeltostoprotatingbeforelayingthetooldownSandingdiscwhiledepressingthespindlelockbutton Precautions To Take When Sanding PaintUsing Sanding Backing Pads FIG Environ M Ental SafetyDustoutsidetheworkarea Mounting and Using Wire Brushes and Wire WheelsCleaning and Disposal Mounting Wire CUP Brushes and Wire Wheels Mounting Flaring CUP Wheel Guard FIG Mounting and Using Cutting Type 1 Wheels Mounting and Using Flaring Cup Using a Flaring CUP Wheel FIGMounting Cutting Wheels FIG Using Cutting WheelsRegister Online MaintenanceThewheeltobendandmaycausewheelbreakage RepairsDAY Money Back Guarantee Three Year Limited WarrantyYear Free Service Pour les outils lectriques Dfinitions Iignes directrices en rnatire de scuritAver*issernents de scurit gnraux ET Toutes LES Directives Pour UN Usage UlterieurUtilisation ET Entretien Dunoutil ¢LECTRIOUE Nepas exposerlosoutils61ectriques b la pluie ou bSECURITi Personnelle #PARATION BNepas utiliserun outil61ectrique dent IinterrupteurToutes L£S Operations Page Aux operations de rneulage et de coupe Par abrasion NNepasfairefonctionnerIoutil61ectrique b proximit6 deRebonds eft avertissernents all, rents Avertissements de scurit spcifiquesSupplrnentaires spcifiques aux Avertissernents de scuritAux rneuleuses Rgles additionnelles de scurit propresNon recommande Pendant Conserver CES Consignes PourULT E-RIEURE RouteCarter Automatique Description j 9POIGN#E Arriere ANTI-VIBRATIONS FIG Systeme DI#VACUATION DES Poussieres=CLUTCH Mc DWE4597, DWE4597N, DWE4599N Installation De la poigne LatraleLaterale H peut tre installee sur Iun ou EmbrayageSEU LEM ENT Installation de rneules et daccessoiresPositionnement de la poigne artiste Dewalt Disques de pon age , feuillets¢¢I=SSOI R I=S Meules D284937po D284939po Type27hubbedwheelD284938po Meuleavecmoyeun28Meules abrasives Brosses mdtalliquesMeules boisseaux Assemblage ET Retrait DU Capot Protecteur Assemblage du capot protecteurUtilisation DE Linterrupteur a Gachette FonctionnementInterrupteur Fig Meulage DE Surface Avec DES Meules FIG Installation ET Reftrait DES Meules Avec MoyeuInstallation DES Meules Sans Moyeu Meulagede Chant Avec DES Meules FIG Abrasifjusquce quele disqueet LetamponSToutenenfonantleboutondeverrouillage La brochetouten tournantle disqueNettoyage ET Mise AU Rebut SECURITiPERSONNELLERespect DE Lenvironnement Brosses Mtalliques a Touret FIG Utilisation DE Brosses Forme Coupelle ET DEMontage DU Capot Protecteur FERM¢ DE Type INSTALLATiON DES MeulesMontage et utilisation de meules Boisseaux Coniques FIGUtilisation DE Disques DE Coupe Pourretirerlecapotprotecteur,degagerMontage DE Disques DE Coupe FIG Rparations AccessoiresNeoyage Garantie DE Remboursement DE 90 Jours Remplacement Gratuit DES EtiquettesGarantie lirnite de trois ans Contrat Dentretien Gratuit DUN ANSeguridad EN EL Area DE Trabajo Definiciones Normas de seguridadConserve Todas LAS Advebtencias IADVERTENCIA! Lea todas las advertencias de seguridadUSO Y Mantenimiento DE LA Herramienta Electrica Seguridad PersonalMantenimiento Instrucciones DE Segubidad Paba Todas LAS OpebacionesAdvertencias de seguridad comunes para Page Bebote g advertencias relacionadas Para operaciones de pulido Advertencias de seguridad especificasNorrnas de seguridad adicionales para esrneriladoras Para operaciones de cepillado con cepillo de alarnbreLargo total RPM GUARD£ Estas Instrucciones Para Futuras ConsultasSistema DE Extraccion DE Polvo Switch Protection TM Proteccion DE Interruptor ElectronicoUSO Debido Mango Trasero Antivibraciones FIG=CLUTCH TM MONTAJ£ Y AjustesFijaci6n MangeD28499 Solamente Rotaci6n de la caja de engranajes FigComo girar mango trasero Fig Accesorios y dispositivos para el montaje de los discosDispositivos Sanding Flap DiscsDiscos de lijar Guardatipo27 D2849377 D2849399 Discodetipo27Guardatipo28 D2849389 Discotipo28Discos de corse Ce illos de alambreCopa de Piedra Accesorio podria Protector de rnontajeMontaje Y Extraccion DEL Protector ATENCI6NEncendido Permanente FUNCIONAMI£NTOInterrupter Fig Esmerilado DE Bordes CON Discos DE Esmerilar FIG Instalacidn DE Discos CON Centro DeprimidoEsmerilado DE Superficie CON Discos DE Esmerilar Montaje DE LAS Almohadillas DE Respaldo Para Lijar FIG Acabado DE Superficies CON Discos DE Lijar FIGSeguridad Personal Precauciones que debe tenet en cuentaAl lijar pintura USO DE Almohadillas DE Respaldo Para Lijar FIGAlambre. Pueden Discos AlambreBeberofumarNosedebendejarartculosparacomer,beber ReducirInstalaci6n y utilizaci6n de piedras Permitaquelaherramientaalcancelavelocidadm6,ximaantesdeAplicarlalasuperficiedetrabajo SobreunasuperficieTipo 1 AntesdeusarelesmeriladorSeextiendaApretarfirmementelostornillosdelacamisadelaguarda Montaje y uso de discos de corteMontaje DE LOS Discos DE Corte FIG Parael di6,metrodelcubodela cajadeMANT£NIMi£NTO LimpiezaReparaciones AccesoriosIdentificacion DEL Producto P61iza De GarantiaSAN LUlS POTOSI, SLP Para Otras LocalidadesDWE4557 ,..I, Garantia lirnitada por tres aosGarantia DE Reembolso DE SU Dinero POR go Dias Reemplazo Gratuito DE LAS Etiquetas DEDW4579 EspecificacionesDWE4557 DWE4599 DW4559Capable --CANNOT be Used Optimal