The digital thickness gauge has been cali- brated at the factory and should require no further adjustment, however, we recom- mend verifying its accuracy.
The first board fed through the sander will be used to test the accuracy of the digital thickness gauge.
To calibrate the digital thickness scale:
1.Follow the start up procedures from Section 5: Set Up beginning on page 12.
2.Using a properly
3.Lower the sander table far enough to place the planed board under the sander roller.
4.Manually raise the table until the board just touches the sanding roller.
5.Remove the board without changing the table height. This ensures the table will be properly adjusted for the first sanding pass.
6.Run the board through the sander several times at the initial height setting. Manually raise the table 0.020" and pass the board through the sander several more times. Monitor the amperage meter and the result- ing load on the sander.
7.Using a precise micrometer or set of calipers, measure the thickness at various points around the board.
8.Continue sanding the board until the average thickness measurement is within
9.Make note of the digital display
—If they are the same, the sander is prop- erly calibrated and accurate to the near- est 0.001". Continue to the next
—If the digital display readout is not the same, recalibration is needed. Continue on to step 10.
10.Without moving the table height, enter the numerical measurement of the average thickness of the sanded wood into the digital key pad on the control panel.
11.Press and hold the SET key until the display stops flashing. The sander is now correctly calibrated.
G0527 18" Wide Belt Sander |