Use the operator control switches to select the Switch and Lamp Test and press the TEST button. This screen reports information but does not permit changes.
Activate each switch and the indicator on the screen changes state. Release the switch and the indicator returns to its previous normally open or closed condition. Switches may be tested in any combination. These Switch Tests are used to verify crossed wires, intermittent conditions, and stuck switches.
The Buttons tests include the player control switches and operator control switches. Activating any of these switches causes the indicator on screen to change from OFF to ON and from gray to green. Each button change should be exactly duplicated by a single indication on the menu screen.
The Coin and Cabinet Switches are shown on the screen without regard for their actual game location. Each switch change should be exactly duplicated by a single indication on the menu screen.
The Lamps tests indicate the state of each of the lamps within control panel and overhead linking sign, or “header” (if installed). Press the LOW button to activate all of the lamps simultaneously, or the HIGH button to cycle the lamps in order. The HEADER TOP and HEADER BOT lamp tests have no effect unless a header or leader light is installed on the cabinet.
The Analog I/O test displays a value relative to the travel limits of the steering wheel or throttle indicating the current position of each control. Wheel position varies between 0 (full left) and 255 (full right). Throttle position varies between 0 (full back) and 255 (full forward).
The Coin Counts display the total number of coins deposited through each mechanism. Insert currency or tokens to perform these tests.