6Run towards the checkpoint by judging the route from the arrow and the NAVIGATION WINDOW. Passing the checkpoint within the time limit results in a Stage Clear. The time limit is extended and the next checkpoint is displayed.
7If the player fails to pass the checkpoint within the time limit, the game is over.
8Passing all of the checkpoints results in a Game Clear. The successful player can see the ending mode.
9After a Game Over, the accomplishment results are displayed on the map.
10If the player scores high points, the Name Entry mode appears. Turn the Handlebar, select character, and turn the Accelorator Grip to register intial, etc.
Setting change can be made to no sound output during ADVERTISE.
In the case where several machines are linked together for communication play, the bike appearing first in the Select Mode is predetermined by the number of each cabinet set for the communication play.
The setting of the number of checkpoints required for game clear is changeable.
To make full use of bike characteristics;
Each of the 5 types of bike has specific characteristics. High points can be earned by fully utilizing the bike charcteristics and selecting the type which suites best for the player.
To memorize the courses;
The player will surely acomplish a game clear by selecting the course on which he can make full use of the bike characteristics instead of relying on the map and arrow.