Atari 3 manual Managing Land and Shaping Terrain

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You can buy land adjacent to your park and even lease construction rights.When you own land, you can also shape much of the terrain to the limits of your imagination and budget.

Buying Land

After your park is running smoothly and you’ve built up some cash reserves, expand your park by buying more land. Note: Your park must own land to build attractions, shops, paths or scenery on it, or to shape its terrain.

Construction Rights

Some of the land near your park cannot be purchased, but you may lease construction rights.This grants you an easement over the land so you can build track sections of coasters, trams or other track rides.

John Wardley: Breaking Ground

What does a new, big coaster cost these days?

A coaster today can cost upwards of $15 million — many are costing more than twice that.

Who makes the decision to build a new ride and what is the first

step in the design process?

It is a collaboration between the park and the designers. Sometimes manufacturers lead the process with a new type of coaster product. Sometimes the park’s marketing people lead by identifying a need to entertain a specific segment of their market. Occasionally, the physical layout of the park throws up a need to fill a gap in the park’s developed

area (i.e. a vacant lot). Frequently, the designers have an idea for a storyline within

a themed development that needs a coaster as the transit system to take

riders through an adventure. But more often than not, it is a

combination of all these factors, and some!

Basic Terrain Shaping

Use the terrain shaping tools described earlier in this manual to alter the topography of the terrain. Some areas may not be altered if the scenario restricts it. In some cases you’ll want to smooth terrain for paths or rides, and sometimes you will want to create a body of water for the water rides you want to add. Or you can even shape the terrain just to suit your fancy.

Simulating Tunnels

Technically, RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3 does not permit you to build tunnels, but you can dig a trench, lay your track pieces and then cover the trench with walkway platforms or structural rooftops. It’s up to you.

Preparing Land for Rides

You can pretty much place a ride nearly anywhere in your park, but the most important element to keep in mind is the ride entrances and exits — these must be accessible to your paths, which can be a complex process if the terrain is quite irregular.

The best way to ensure success in connecting your ride entrances and exits to pathways is to use the Prepare Terrain For Rides tool, which smoothes the land and snaps the elevation to increments accessible by ramps and stairs.



Image 48 Atari 3 manual Managing Land and Shaping Terrain
Contents Page Contents Readme File System RequirementsSetup and Installation Installation of DirectXMicrosoft Photo Story Introduction Using this Manual Launcher ScreenFive Theme Categories Game DifficultySaving and Loading Main MenuPlay Menu Tools Menu OptionsGraphic Settings Camera SettingsKeyboard Bindings Scenic Settings Career Menu Common Interface ElementsQuit Game Exit RCT3 and return to Windows General Coaster and Track Ride BrowserCamera Centers the screen on the object Screen Retract Panel Hides the detail panelAttraction List Browser Shop/Ride/Scenery Construction PanelOpen Indicator Allows you to open or close the attraction Shop/Ride Control PanelRide Control Panel Statistics View the sales history of the attractionTrack Ride Construction Panel Park Management Control PanelTrack Pieces Shows the tracks you can place next Fireworks Camera Switch to DashboardMaps Park Administration View OptionsFiles & Options Park Operations Finances StaffPark Operations Graphs and StatsLand and Status Park DetailMarketing FireworksAwards Financial Management Monthly SummaryStaff Scenario ObjectivesResearch Rides GuestsJohn Wardley Research/Technology Attractions ManagementShops SceneryPaths Terrain ToolsTerrain-Editing Mode Tweak Terrain ToolsSmooth Terrain Delete Objects Lower Terrain ToolsRaise Terrain Tools Control Panels RidesRide Details Panel Or Close Following pagesRide Finance Panel Ride Vehicles Panel Ride Test Results PanelLifetime Profit Color Selector for Beam Color Selector for SupportsRide Operating Mode Shops and FacilitiesCoasterCam Controls Shop Opinion PanelShop Control Panel Shop Finances PanelShop Inventory Panel Shop Inventory Extra PanelPeeps STAFF,VIPS and Guests Peep Control PanelPeep Thoughts Panel Peep Name Click to editPeep Ride History Panel Peep Pockets PanelPeep Status Panel Peep Cash PanelCoaster Building Toolbox Coaster Information PanelScenery Management Peep’s Group PanelFireworks Mixmaster Coaster Track PiecesPeep Group Editor Peep DesignerAdd new group Delete current group Save current group Current Look Gender and Age SelectorGuest Settings Panel Other Park Options Panel Scenario EditorInventions and Research Panel Park Land Panel Financial Options Panel Guest Settings Panel Other Park Options Panel Objectives Panel Save Panel Objective List Shows listDelete Highlighted Scenario Managing a Park Attract Visitors With MarketingJohn Wardley Design Pleasing the PeepsJohn Wardley Maintenance Sufficient StaffingBuild What The Peeps Want Becoming a Tycoon Sharing Your Creations Key StrategiesTrading with Others Loading Creations of OthersLoading Rides from RCT and RCT2 Coaster Building Checklist the Essentials Building a Roller CoasterJohn Wardley Construction Coaster Builder ToolboxTesting John WardleyTestingTrack-Building Interface Creating Paths Saving and LoadingManaging Your Coaster Path-Building Toolbox Classic Path BuildingSimple Paths Stairs and RampsManaging Land and Shaping Terrain Designing and Constructing Buildings Preparing Land for Bodies of WaterDecorating and Texturing Land Simple ConstructionFireworks Show Checklist Awards for Park AppearanceCreating Fireworks Shows Fireworks MixMasterHow to Create and Customize a Peep Group Scenario Creation ChecklistPutting Your Group in the Park Scenario EditorSandbox Mode About the VipeepsCredits AtariFrontier Developments Special ThanksAtari WEB Sites Ataricommunity.com104 Product Return Procedures in the United States & Canada Warranty Policy in the United States & CanadaHelp Via the Internet Help Via Telephone in the United States & CanadaEND-USER License Agreement AgreementLimited Warranty and Disclaimer of Warranties Controls MouseKeyboard Page Table of Contents Setup and Installation Installation of DirectXPlaying Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Soaked Mouse Wheel SupportShift Key Support for Building Structures Game OptionsPark Management ThemesPool Slides and Rides SceneryTerrain Tools TutorialsCreating Shows with the Improved RCT3 MixMaster Using the Swimming Pool Editor Using the RollerSoaker Creating WaterfallsCreating Dolphin and killer whale Shows Creating Tunnels AtariFrontier Developments Special ThanksHelp Via the Internet Help Via Telephone in the United States & CanadaProduct Return Procedures in the United States & Canada Warranty Policy in the United States & CanadaGrant of License Limitation of Liability Page Table of Contents Installation Readme FilePlay RollerCoaster Tycoon Playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 WildFirewall Software Mouse Wheel Support Control KEY Support for Building StructuresGame Options Park ManagementFour scenery options have been added to the scenery buttons Additional ThemesAdditional Rides Additional SceneryAdditional Terrain Tools Tunnel EnhancementCustomizable Shops Placing Assets UndergroundAnimal Houses Viewing GalleriesAnimal Window Animalcam EnrichmentPREDATOR/PREY BreedingCreating Lion and Tiger Shows Splitting CoasterTowering Coaster Robotic CoasterTutorials Hiring the Animal KeeperCreating Waterfalls Ken Allen Hudson PiehlTim Perry Sara HassonChris Sawyer, David Braben Jonny WattsOscar Cooper Sam Denney Simon BrewerProduct Return Procedures in the United States & Canada Warranty Policy in the United States & CanadaEND-USER Licenseagreement Grant of License 09165 Legal NoticesPC Manual Back Cover