mix! You can also preview each effect now. In addition, you can customize the laser displays and the water displays using the Advanced Designer, and then save these creations to be used later or shared with the
As with the fireworks shows, you’ll first need to add the kind of launchers to your park for the type of effects (fireworks, water jet, laser) you want to use in your show, and then open a show timeline to add these elements.
To add launchers, click the Scenery button, and then click RCT3 MixMaster™ button to display the RCT3 MixMaster™ console. Next, click the MixMaster Bases button to see the launcher bases for water jets and lasers as well as fireworks – click one of these to choose it and then click the place in the park where you want that launcher to reside. At any time, you can click on
a launcher located in your park to open the RCT3 MixMaster™ interface.
Next, click the MixMaster Displays button to open a sequence timeline. In the same way fire- works shows were created, click the timeline where you want to add a show event, and choose an event from the
Using the Swimming Pool Editor.
Click the Scenery button, and then click the Swimming Pools button at the bottom of the list. This will open the Swimming Pool Construction toolbox.
First take a look at the interface and notice you can add the following:
•Pool paths (to add footbridges and to create elevated areas)
•Pool extras (to add ladders, lights, showers, and diving boards)
•Pools (swimming areas)
•Pool changing rooms (where peeps in your park enter and exit the pool area)
•Save (to save your pool designs). This option is present when the pool changing room window is open.
Select the Pools button and then choose a pool
Next, select the Place Tiles button to construct decking around the pool. As with pool con- struction, you can add raised decking by clicking on the
Add plenty of decking around a pool so you can add lounge chairs, showers, diving boards and waterslides.
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