To add a tall diving board, select the highdiving board from the Pool Extras, move the pointer to the area where the diving board will be constructed, and then hold the mouse button as you nudge the mouse upward.
To add a wave machine, choose the
To add a water slide that empties into your pool, build the water slide so the slide’s
To adjust the price of a pool area, and to perform other tasks like mainte-
nance, click the changing room for that pool and make adjustment in the control panel that appears there.
Creating Waterfalls
Waterfalls can only be constructed between two adjacent bodies of water where one is higher than the other.
First, modify the terrain to create a raised area — for best results, use the tool to create a mesa. Next, create a pit on the mesa and then add water (consult the RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 manual for instructions on adding water bodies). This higher water body must have a flat, straight edge over which the water can flow. Then, create a pit at the base of the raised area and add water there, too, ensuring that there is at least some water in
the lower body that is roughly underneath the edge over which you want the water the flow.
Finally, click the Waterfalls button (as seen on page 10) to activate the waterfall function, then click the raised water body to select it, and then click the lower water body to select it. If the terrain has been formed properly, a waterfall will be created automatically. The width of the waterfall is selected based on the narrower of i) the length of the flat, straight edge on the
raised water body; and ii) the width of the lower water body underneath this edge into which the waterfall will discharge. Use this information to create waterfalls of whatever height and width you choose.
Using the RollerSoaker
One of the rides in RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! is the RollerSoaker, which fea- tures controls for riders to release several gallons of water, soaking the guests walking below. While riding the RollerSoaker, find the button labeled “release water” located in the coaster cam interface, and click the button to dump gallons
of the wet stuff. To get an optimal view of the RollerSoaker releasing water, position the Coaster Cam to look backwards and then zoom out.
Creating Dolphin and killer whale Shows
Before you add a dolphin or killer whale show, you must first create a water body using the terrain tools, and one that is deep enough to accept the show “object.” See the RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 manual for instruction on creating bodies of water.
After you’ve finished building the water body, select either dolphin or killer whale show from the Gentle Rides, position the ride in the water, and then click to add the attraction. If the water is too shallow, the color of the attraction will remain red. The fastest way to adjust the water body to the proper depth is to hold down the Alt key while the show is positioned over the water – when the color of the attraction turns blue, click to add it there.
Finally, add an entrance and exit, connect them to your park’s path system and open the show just like other attractions.
After you’ve placed the show, you can customize the contents of the show by clicking the Aquatics MixMaster button found in the attraction’s control panel.
When clicked, the RCT3 MixMaster™ sequencer interface will be displayed where you can add any of the choreo-
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