1800117153 FV45XX FTJ E0:110x154 21/07/09 16:37 Page 18
For your safety
Thisappliancecomplies with thetechnical rulesand standards forsafety currently in force(ElectromagneticCompatibility, Low Voltage, Environnement).
•Please read these instructionscarefully and keepthem for future reference.
•This applianceis notintended for useby persons(includingchildren) withreduced physical, sensoryor mental capabilities, or lack of experienceand knowledge, unless theyhave beengivensupervisionor instruction concerninguse of the applianceby a person responsible fortheirsafety.
Children mustbe supervised to ensurethat theydo notplay withtheappliance.
•Warning ! The voltage of yourelectrical installation must correspond to that of the
•This ironmustalways be plugged into an earthedsocket.If usinga mainsextension lead,ensurethatit is correctlyrated (10A), withan earth connection.
•If theelectrical cord becomes damaged, it must be immediatelyreplacedby an ApprovedService Centreto avoidany danger.
•The applianceshould notbe used if it hasfallen,if it has obvious damage,if it leaks or has functionalanomalies.Never dismantle yourappliance: have it inspected by an ApprovedService Centre, so as to avoidany danger.
•Never immerse yourironin water !
•Do notunplugyour appliance by pulling on thecord. Alwaysunplug yourappliance: beforefillingor rinsingthe reservoir, beforecleaningit, after each use.
•Never leavetheappliance unattended whenit is connected to a power source or if it hasnotcooleddownfor approximately 1 hour.
•Your appliancegives offsteam,whichmaycause burns. Takeextra care especially whenyouareironingcloseto the edge or on a corner of your ironing board. Never direct the steam towards people or animals.
•Your ironshould be used and placedon a flat,
•This product hasbeen designedfor domestic use only. Anycommercial use, inappropriateuseor failureto complywith the instructions,the manufacturer accepts no responsibilityand the guaranteewill notapply.
What water to use?
Your appliancehasbeen designed to functionwithuntreatedtap water.However,it is necessaryto operate
If your water is veryhard (check with your local waterauthority),it is possible to mixuntreatedtapwaterwithstore- bought distilledor demineralised water in thefollowing proportions:
- 50% tap water,- 50% distilled or demineralised water.
Types of water not to use?
Heat concentrates the elementscontained in water duringevaporation.Thetypes of waterlistedbelow contain organic waste or mineral elementsthatcan causespitting, brownstaining,or prematurewearof theappliance: waterfrom clothes dryers,scented or softenedwater, waterfrom refrigerators, batteriesor airconditioners,puredistilledor demineralised water or rain water should notbe used in yourTefal iron. Also do notuse boiled,filteredor bottledwater.
Environment protection first !
Your appliancecontainsvaluablematerials which can be recoveredor recycled. Leave it at a local civicwaste collection point.