Flag type by EID number
Flag indicating that the user has been disconnected from all systems
Control that is used to set flag position
Changing the status flag
1.From the Main dialog box ("Accessing the Main dialog box" on page 28), click Setup>Flag. The Flag Setup dialog box appears.
2.Select Name or EID to determine what information appears on the flag in the Flag Type area.
3.Select Displayed (default) to show the flag constantly, and select Timed to display the flag for only five seconds after soft switching.
4.Select a flag color in the Display Color area.
5.Select Opaque for a
6.Position the status flag on the desktop:
a.Click Set Position to access the Set Position flag. The Set Position flag appears.
b.Click and hold the title bar, and then drag the flag to the desired location.
7.Click OK to save settings, or press the Esc key to exit without saving settings. Changes made to the flag are not saved until you click OK.
Local port operation 34