Service Template
The log file is created daily until you disable service statistics logging. At midnight, the file is moved to <service_name>.stat.<previous_date>.
The following aggregate service statistics are logged:
Timestamp Sessions Admissions Deferrals Redirections Rejections
Compliances (Number of sites in compliance) N/A (This field is not used)
Violation (Number of sites in violation)
Other (Number of sites in states other than compliance or violation) Response High
Response Medium Response Low Admissions High Admissions Medium Admissions Low Deferrals High Deferrals Medium Deferrals Low Redirections High Redirections Medium Redirections Low Rejections High Rejections Medium Rejections Low
Deferred Outstanding High Deferred Outstanding Medium Deferred Outstanding Low Deferral Time Average High Deferral Time Average Medium Deferral Time Average Low Deferral Time Current High Deferral Time Current Medium Deferral Time Current Low
URL Group Statistics
If you enable service statistics logging and the SLO Ensure less than <NUMBER> millisecond response time for <CLASS> requests to <URL GROUP> is configured, URL group statistics are logged to the URL_<service_name>_<URL GROUP>_<CLASS>_<NUMBER>.stat file
Chapter 4 | 51 |